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North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center

The North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center examines issues and topics primarily related to federal insurance programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and their effects on rural populations and providers.


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About the Research Center

The North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center is one of the federally designated Rural Health Research Centers funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. The Center is built on 44 years of rural health services research at the University of North Carolina's Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, and is able, through that relationship, to draw on the experience of a wide variety of scholars, researchers, analysts, managers and health service providers. The Center's work primarily focuses on federal insurance programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and their effect on rural populations and providers.

The Center seeks to address problems in the rural health arena through policy-relevant analyses, the geographic and graphical presentation of data, and the dissemination of information to organizations and individuals in the health care field who can use this material for policy or administrative purposes. The Center's research involves primary data collection, analysis of large secondary data sets, and in-depth policy analysis. The Center brings together a diverse, multidisciplinary team including clinicians in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, mental health and other professions and disciplines along with experts in economics, geography, epidemiology, sociology, anthropology and political science to address complex social issues affecting rural populations.

Research History

The Rural Health Research Centers and Policy Analysis Initiatives are funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). These Centers are funded through multi-year cooperative agreements. This Center has produced research products funded by FORHP during the following years.

  • 2000 - current