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Research Alert: August 8, 2016

Webinar Reminder: Geographic Variation in Health Insurance Marketplaces: Rural and Urban Trends in Enrollment, Firm Participation, Premiums, and Cost Sharing in 2016

Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Time: 10:00am Pacific, 11:00am Mountain, 12:00pm Central, 1:00pm Eastern
Duration: approximately 60 minutes

Timothy McBride, PhD, Professor, Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in Saint Louis, along with Abigail Barker, PhD at the RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis will provide an overview of HIM performance in rural areas along several dimensions, as they describe trends in enrollment, firm participation, premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximum values. They will provide context to the ongoing discussion on the importance of competition in driving positive outcomes for consumers and for the government. They will conclude with policy recommendations and time for Q&A.

For more information, read more about the Health Insurance Marketplaces: Premium Trends in Rural Areas policy brief.

Connection Information

The webinar is free, no registration is required, but participation is limited to the first 200 to log-on that day. If the webinar reaches capacity, you will be able to access the recording, archived on the Gateway website!

Questions? Contact:
Kristin Trelstad
Rural Health Research Gateway