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Research Alert: June 6, 2018

Webinar Recording Available: The History and Future of Rural Health Research - Celebrating 30 Years

During this webinar Tom Morris with the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) and researchers from the oldest and newest Rural Health Research Centers spoke to the history and future of rural health research. The Rural Health Research Center Program, funded by the FORHP under the Health Resources and Services Administration, has played a critical role in providing the analysis and research that has helped inform the development of federal and state health policy. Dr. Eric Larson from the WWAMI Rural Health Research Center (also celebrating 30 years) spoke to how WWAMI's research agenda has changed over time and also addressed key topics for 2018 and beyond. Dr. Marcia Ward from the newest center, the Rural Telehealth Research Center, shared the RTRC's experiences and discussed some of their most recent work around telemedicine and emergency and trauma care.

Contact Information:

Brenda Haugen
Rural Health Research Gateway