Research Alert: May 25, 2022
Community Characteristics and Financial and Operational Performance of Rural Health Clinics in the United States: A Chartbook
This chartbook provides an overview of Rural Health Clinic (RHC) characteristics and issues using data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services's Provider of Services file, Medicare cost reports, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's County Health Ranking and will be useful to policymakers and others interested in the performance of RHCs nationally. It can also be useful to RHC administrators to benchmark staffing patterns, productivity, and efficiency. Finally, it provides a discussion of the challenges related to collection and reporting of RHC quality data.
Contact Information:
John A. Gale, MS
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Phone: 207.228.8246
Additional Resources of Interest:
- More information about the Maine Rural Health Research Center
- More information from the Rural Health Information Hub's topic guide: Rural Health Clinics