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Center for Economic Analysis of Rural Health

The Center for Economic Analysis of Rural Health (CEARH) aims to increase public and stakeholder awareness of the economic impacts of rural health care sectors on rural, state, and national economies, as well as the relationship between community economic development and health outcomes of rural residents. CEARH staff provides tools to help providers talk about the economic importance of the local hospital or other medical services to their local community.


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About the Research Center

CEARH staff are committed to:

  • Responding to pressing issues facing rural communities that are identified through the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, the Center's advisory council, and other partners.
  • Creating timely, relevant, and useful research-based tools that health care leaders, elected officials, economic development professionals, and community leaders can use to sustain their rural health economy.
  • Providing face-to-face and online trainings and workshops, as well as widely disseminate resources nationally through its advisory council, rural health conferences, and rural health online repositories.

Research History

The Rural Health Research Centers and Policy Analysis Initiatives are funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). These Centers are funded through multi-year cooperative agreements. This Center has produced research products funded by FORHP during the following years.

  • 2021 - current