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RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications

This cooperative agreement between the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and the Rural Policy Research Institute is intended to inform policy makers, community leaders, health care providers, and other rural leaders about health and human services policy issues.

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About the Research Center

This cooperative agreement between the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and the Rural Policy Research Institute is intended to inform policy makers, community leaders, health care providers, and other rural leaders about health and human services policy issues. RUPRI Rural Health Panel has developed a unique role in providing policy relevant analysis of rural health services delivery to nonprofessional audiences. Since 1993 the Panel has built a particular expertise linking policy suggestions to broader conceptual frameworks. The Panel has received support from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Agency for Health care Research and Quality, and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

The RUPRI Health Panel envisions rural health care that is affordable and accessible for rural residents through a sustainable health system that delivers high quality, high value services. A high performance rural health system, informed by the needs of each unique rural community, will lead to greater community health and well-being.

Research History

The Rural Health Research Centers and Policy Analysis Initiatives are funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). These Centers are funded through multi-year cooperative agreements. This Center has produced research products funded by FORHP during the following years.

  • 2010 - 2021