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NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis

FORHP-funded RHRC, 2004-2008
Examines issues and topics primarily related to the implications of Medicare payment policies, access to care, home health care, public health infrastructure, emergency preparedness, workforce issues, and health information technology.

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About the Research Center

The Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis at the National Opinion Research Center was established in 1996 to study policy issues affecting health care in rural America. Center products have addressed implications of Medicare payment policies, access to care, home health care, public health infrastructure, emergency preparedness, workforce issues, and health information technology. Center researchers conduct quantitative research and analysis using data collected by the Center as well as data from other public sources, including Medicare claims, Cost Reports, and other Medicare administrative data.

Research History

The Rural Health Research Centers and Policy Analysis Initiatives are funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). These Centers are funded through multi-year cooperative agreements. This Center has produced research products funded by FORHP during the following years.

  • 1998 - 2010