Oral Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes of Rural and Urban Medicaid-Insured Children in the United States

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2024
Anticipated completion date:
August 2025

Childhood caries can lead to health complications in adulthood, yet little is known about rural-urban differences in early childhood caries at the national level. Using nationally representative Medicaid claims data, we will determine rural-urban differences in the prevalence of early childhood caries, preventative dental visits, and restorative dental visits.

Using nationwide Medicaid claims data, the research project will:

  1. Examine rural-urban differences in availability and accessibility of dentists (both general practice and pediatric) and primary care providers who provide care to Medicaid-insured young children.
  2. Identify rural-urban and racial/ethnic differences in early childhood caries among Medicaid-insured children 0-5 years old.
  3. Evaluate rural-urban differences in the patterns in preventative and restorative dental care for children ages 0-5 years who are primarily ensured by Medicaid, including facility type where the care was received.