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Database for Rural Health Research in Progress

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project completed:
August 2006

This project is comprised of two main components: a web-based national Database for Rural Health Research in Progress ( and an annual monograph of the current rural health research and policy analysis projects of the Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Centers funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP). The annual monograph is produced and disseminated to coincide with the Rural Policy Institute. A summary report booklet is provided to the ORHP prior to the full printing of the monograph. This booklet is also distributed to members of the Senate Rural Caucus and the House Rural Health Care Coalition, and copies are sent to the federally funded Rural Health Research Centers and each Individual Grantee. The Database is updated quarterly and a feature project is highlighted approximately three times a year. This project provides policymakers with a concise source of rural health services research currently underway in the Rural Health Research Centers, allowing them to have a context for legislation current and proposed that affects rural health services and populations.
