Why Are Health Care Costs Increasing and Is There a Rural Differential in National Data?
Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project completed:
January 2006
The project was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, a concept document discusses the reasons for the rise in health care costs, and whether or not we would expect to find a rural differential. In the second phase, MEPS data over time were used to analyze medical care costs in urban and rural areas.
Why Are Health Care Expenditures Increasing and Is There a Rural Differential?
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2005
Rising healthcare expenditures have disproportionately affected rural areas and in recent years seen higher increases in some expenditure categories, such as physician office-based visits and prescription drugs. Differences suggest strategies to contain health expenditure increases may be different in rural areas and determined on a local basis.