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Using Program Logic Models to Monitor the Performance of State Flex Programs

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project completed:
August 2008
This project will use a Program Logic Model approach to track state program activities and develop tools that allow states to systematically monitor their accomplishments in the context of Flex Program goals. As applied to a state Flex Program, a program logic model provides a systematic way to present the relationships among the resources available to operate a program, the activities planned under the program, and the results that are expected as a result of undertaking those activities. The program logic model links short and long term outcomes with program activities/processes and resources of the state program.

To insure the development of a program logic model that is useful to the states, project staff will work with the federal Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP), TASC, and four state Flex Programs during the first year of the project to develop a generic national Flex Program logic model. The demonstration states will also receive help from project staff to customize and implement the model for their programs. Refinements to the model will be made based on feedback from the four states. To further insure the applicability of the Flex Program logic model to the states, the Flex Monitoring Project Advisory Committee will help guide the process, provide input into the development of the models, and offer feedback on the materials and process. During the subsequent years of this project, the revised program logic model will be implemented by all state Flex Programs for purposes of managing their programs and providing data to the Flex Monitoring Team.

There may be products related to this project; please contact the lead researcher for more information.