Rural Emergency Department Preparedness for Pediatric Care
This project involves two components. First, we will use the 2002-2003 Emergency Pediatric Services and Equipment Supplement (EPSES) from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) to examine the availability of pediatric services, expertise, and supplies between urban and rural emergency departments in the U.S. To obtain a more in-depth understanding of the factors that influence the availability of pediatric services, expertise, and supplies in rural emergency departments, we will also conduct semi-structured, in-depth interviews with hospital staff in a sample of approximately 75 rural hospitals. Data from the EPSES surveys and the interviews will be analyzed using descriptive, bivariate, and regression analyses in order to address how the availability of pediatric services, expertise and supplies in U.S. emergency departments differ between urban and rural facilities, and to determine which factors impede the availability of pediatric services, expertise, and supplies in rural emergency departments. Study results will be presented in a final report and findings brief.
There may be products related to this project; please contact the lead researcher for more information.