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Rural Implications of Health Care Reform: Issues Related to Quality of Care, Health Information Technology and Care Coordination

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2009
Project completed:
August 2010

Statement of the problem: Rural areas present special challenges for health care reform. It is important to examine the rural implications of health care reform proposals.

Project goals: The purpose of this project is to provide support to the Office of Rural Health Policy on rural health care reform issues.

Methods: The University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center (UMRHRC) has access to a variety of potential data sources that can be used to assess the rural implications of health care reform. The specific analytic approaches used to address rural health care reform issues will depend on the topics chosen and the available data.

Anticipated Publications or Products: Quick turn-around policy briefs.

There may be products related to this project; please contact the lead researcher for more information.