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Assessing HIT Readiness of Rural Health Clinics: A National Survey

Research center:
Project funded:
September 2011
Project completed:
December 2014
Specific Aim: We will design and conduct a national survey of rural health clinics, both independent and provider-based, to determine the current level of health information technology adoption and readiness in these clinics. The survey will be based on a survey that is currently in process, based on both meaningful use and patient-centered medical home criteria. We will analyze the survey results so as to address the following research questions:
  1. What proportion of RHCs now have an electronic health record (EHR), and does that proportion differ between independent and provider-based RHCs?
  2. Which elements of meaningful use criteria is either implemented or nearing implementation by RHCs?
  3. Which elements of meaningful use criteria are furthest from implementation by RHCs?
  4. What are the high priority issues that need to be addressed by HIT technical assistance?

Obtaining a high survey response rate will be a challenge, since we hope to start with a sample of 2200 RHCs. A strategy to maximize survey response will be developed.
