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Access to Home Care Services in the Rural United States

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2013
Project completed:
February 2016

This WWAMI RHRC study will identify and describe the scope of home health services required to meet current and future needs in rural areas of the U.S., identify current and anticipated barriers to accessing those needs, and describe ways that may help overcome these barriers. The study will use information collected from literature reviews and interviews with national stakeholders and local and regional key informants to prepare a policy brief summarizing study findings.


  • Access to Rural Home Health Services: Views From the Field
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 02/2016
    Access to home health care can be challenging for rural Medicare clients. Key informants for this study detailed obstacles, including financial, regulatory, workforce, and geographic issues. Rural communities will likely benefit from payment reforms that reward quality services while providing incentives to use best practices in home health care.