Lung Diseases Among Coal Miners

Research center:
Project funded:
September 2017
Project completed:
February 2021

Coal mining is considered one of the most dangerous and hazardous occupations worldwide. In the U.S., rates of fatal and non-fatal injuries are substantially higher among coal miners as compared to those working in private jobs. Coal miners are at increased risk of both restrictive and obstructive lung diseases such as coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP), progressive massive fibrosis (PMF), rapidly progressive pneumoconiosis (RPP), and COPD. Using the Medicare administrative claims data, Kentucky (KY) Medicaid claims data, and the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), we seek to determine factors related to respiratory health effects among miners and non-miners, assess and compare health care utilization among patients with and without CWP across regions, and map health care utilization of CWP and other lung diseases relative to HRSA-funded Black Lung Clinics. The rate of utilization of these health services is unknown.
