Triad Program Perspectives on Preventing and Addressing Elder Abuse in Rural Communities
Elder abuse is a widespread issue and rural communities face unique risks to preventing, identifying, and addressing it. This brief shares results from key informant interviews with representatives of rural Triads (multi-sectoral community-based partnerships that address elder abuse) to illuminate rural-specific dimensions of this issue.
Key Findings:
- Challenges to preventing and addressing elder abuse included themes related to education and awareness, outreach and engagement, limited resources and services, reporting issues, isolation, stigma, and systemic barriers.
- Criteria for successful interventions from rural Triads include the integration of elder abuse programming, community collaboration, older adult engagement, and elder abuse infrastructure.
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Megan Lahr, Alyssa Fritz, Ingrid Jacobson, Marti DeLiema, Carrie Henning-Smith