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David Lambert, PhD

Contact information for this researcher is no longer available, but you can still access their previous work.

Completed Projects - (4)

  • Locally Managed Behavioral Health Organizations: How Do They Affect The Capacity of Medicaid Managed Behavioral Health Programs to Serve Rural Populations?
    Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Medicaid and CHIP, Mental and behavioral health, Networking and collaboration
  • Role of Inpatient Psychiatric Units in Small Rural Hospitals and Rural Mental Health Systems
    This is a descriptive, exploratory study which will investigate the role of the small rural hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Units from the perspectives of both the rural hospital, in terms of scope of services and revenue enhancement, and the regional mental health system, meeting the needs of outpatient mental health and primary care providers, law enforcement, and human services.
    Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Mental and behavioral health
  • Rural E-Mental Health: Models That Enhance Access, Service Delivery, and Integration of Care
    E-mental health programs have been developed in rural areas as a promising approach to address the chronic challenges of low availability of mental health clinicians, long travel distances, and stigma surrounding mental health care. The literature has established the technical feasibility of these programs and interest remains strong in developing and implementing them more broadly. However, we lack a clear understanding of the viability of current rural e-mental health programs - both the business case for starting and sustaining them and the clinical case for what services and functions may be provided _ and what impact they have had. The current rural health environment is changing significantly and it is important to understand where and how e-mental health programs have been established and sustained, what impact they have had, and what value they may add to other initiatives. To address this gap we will conduct interviews with between 24-30 current rural e-mental health programs.
    Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Mental and behavioral health, Telehealth
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Access to Children's Mental Health Services
    This study uses data from the Urban Institute's National Survey of America's Families to examine and compare the use of mental health services by rural and urban children, age 6 to 17, relative to their need for mental health care, family income, and insurance status.
    Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Health services, Mental and behavioral health

Publications - (19)



  • Telemental Health in Today's Rural Health System
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 12/2013
    This policy brief describes the organizational setting, services provided, and staff used in 53 telemental rural health programs. It also outlines the opportunities and challenges for telemental health in the rural health system.



  • Access to Mental Health Services and Family Impact of Rural Children With Mental Health Problems
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 10/2010
    Rural children are more likely to have mental health problems, to have behavioral difficulties, and to be usually or always affected by their conditions than urban children. Rural children also are more likely to go without access to all parent-reported needed mental health services, and their families spend more time coordinating their care.
  • Mental Health Problems Have Considerable Impact on Rural Children and Their Families
    Policy Brief
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 10/2010
    This policy brief provides information on the prevalence of children's mental health needs and associated access to care and family impact across rural and urban areas. Analyses are based on the 2005-06 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
  • Mental Health Services in Rural Jails (Working Paper)
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 08/2010
    This study explored the role of rural jails in the mental health systems in rural communities, investigating how rural jails manage mental health and substance abuse problems among inmates, determining barriers to providing mental health services faced by rural jails, and identifying promising practices for service delivery.


  • Mental Health Services in Rural Jails (Policy Brief)
    Policy Brief
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 09/2009
    The prevalence of mental illness among prison and jail inmates has attracted increasing attention in both mental health and criminal justice circles.
  • Rural Children Don't Receive the Mental Health Care They Need
    Policy Brief
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 01/2009
    Controlling for other characteristics that affect access to care, rural children are 20% less likely to have a mental health visit than urban children. Having Medicaid or SCHIP increases the likelihood that a child will receive services, and this is pronounced in rural areas.






  • Medicaid Managed Behavioral Health Programs in Rural Areas
    Policy Brief
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 08/2001
    This research and policy brief studies which states have implemented Medicaid-managed behavioral health programs in rural areas. It describes the programs in terms of Medicaid populations served, program design, and implementation model and the experience of programs regarding access to/coordination of services.
  • Medicaid Managed Behavioral Health in Rural Areas
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 01/2001
    This study of which states have implemented Medicaid managed behavioral health (MMBH) programs in rural areas describes these programs in terms of Medicaid populations served, program design, and implementation model. It also describes the experience of programs regarding access to and coordination of services.


  • Integrating Primary Care and Mental Health Services: Current Practices in Rural Areas
    Maine Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 1996
    This publication provides information on models for integrating mental health services in rural community health centers, viability of linkages between primary care and mental health providers, resources available, reimbursement, treatment philosophy, diversification, referral, and enhancement.