Eric Larson, PhD
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Phone: 206.616.9601
Department of Family Medicine
University of Washington
4311 11th Ave NE, Suite 210
Seattle, WA 98105
- Completed Projects - (16)
- Publications - (35)
Completed Projects - (16)
Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
This study will identify rural locations with high proportions of generalist physicians nearing retirement age.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Physicians, Workforce
Are Rural Perinatal Care Systems Deregionalizing?
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Children and adolescents, Health services, Maternal health
Changes in U.S. Rural Perinatal and Infant Health Care During the Last Decade
This study examined changes in rates of adverse birth outcomes and prenatal care among rural Americans during two time periods. The study used national data from the Linked Birth Death Data Sets to assess differences in low birth weight, neonatal death, post neonatal mortality and inadequate prenatal care.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Children and adolescents, Maternal health
General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
This study will examine the degree to which access to inpatient surgical care in rural areas is affected by the diminishing workforce of general surgeons. Using inpatient surgical procedure data, we will examine the availability and content of general surgical procedures in rural and urban hospitals nationally as a function of surgeon supply.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topic: Workforce
Geographic Access to Healthcare for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: An Update and National Look
This objective of this study was to compare, at a national and census division level, where rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries receive ambulatory care, which types of specialists they utilize and how far beneficiaries are traveling to obtain care.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Aging, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Medicare, Workforce
Increasing the Supply of Providers with a Drug Enforcement Agency Waiver to Treat Opioid Addiction in Rural America – Possible Effects of Permitting Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to Prescribe Buprenorphine
This study investigated the possible effects on rural access to treatment for opioid use disorder if Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) waivers for prescribing buprenorphine as an office-based outpatient treatment for opioid addiction are available to Physician Assistants (PAs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs).
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Legislation and regulation, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Physician assistants, Physicians, Substance use and treatment, Workforce
Rural Dentistry: Availability, Practice, and Access
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Oral health, Workforce
The Current Distribution of the General Surgery Workforce in Rural America
This project described the current national supply and distribution of general surgeons in rural vs. urban areas of the United States as well as geographic variability in the supply of general surgeons across the rural/urban and intra-rural dimensions at the regional level.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Health services, Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics, Physicians, Rural statistics and demographics, Workforce
The Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Data from the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) file, linked to RUCA codes and population data will be used to identify behavioral health providers and describe their geographic (rural/urban, regional and intra-rural) distribution. Behavioral health professions identified in the file include psychiatrists, addiction medicine specialists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists in mental health, clinical psychologists and licensed social workers.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Allied health professionals, Mental and behavioral health, Workforce
The Supply and Distribution of the Primary Care Health Workforce in Rural America
This study will describe the supply and distribution of primary care providers in the rural U.S. at national, regional, and state levels using the most recent data available. Primary care health professionals include family physicians, general practitioners, general internists, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Nurses and nurse practitioners, Physician assistants, Physicians, Workforce
What Are the Possible Impacts of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants on Future Provision of Primary Care in Rural Areas?
This study will explore how many nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs) and physicians will be required to meet rural health care demand resulting from expanded access to health insurance through implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Nurses and nurse practitioners, Physician assistants, Physicians, Workforce
What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies
The impending unification of allopathic and osteopathic graduate medical education (GME) under a single accreditation system has uncertain implications for small and rural-focused residency programs. This study aimed to (1) quantify the rural practice outcomes of residencies in rurally-relevant specialties such as pediatrics, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, emergency medicine, surgery, anesthesia, and psychiatry, and (2) interview key stakeholders to identify anticipated challenges of the accreditation merger and potential policies to strengthen vulnerable rural-focused residencies during the transition.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topic: Physicians
What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Community paramedicine (CP) has been promoted as a strategy to help communities achieve the Triple Aim of improving healthcare and population health while lowering costs. This study proposes to collect descriptive information on CP programs that can be identified in the U.S., and for those programs with outcome data, compare rural with urban programs in terms of their goals, services offered, outcomes measured, and results, where available.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Allied health professionals, Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma
What Makes Physician Assistant Programs Successful at Training Rural PAs?
A WWAMI Rural Health Research Center study identified the physician assistant (PA) training programs that have reduced high numbers and high proportions of graduates working in rural areas. The study extended that work through a physician assistant program survey, identifying key characteristics, admission, and training strategies, and missions of successful rural programs.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Physician assistants, Workforce
Which Physician Assistant Training Programs Produce Rural Physician Assistants? A National Study
This study will identify the physician assistant (PA) training programs that are most successful at producing graduates who practice in rural areas. The study will focus particularly on PAs who graduated from training in the past ten years.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Physician assistants, Workforce
Who Provides Mental Health Services to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries?
Most rural counties do not have a psychiatrist to care for the common conditions of depression or anxiety. This study describes the provider workforce that cares for rural elderly patients with depression/anxiety, including regional and rural-urban variations in mental healthcare provision.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Health services, Medicare, Mental and behavioral health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Physician assistants, Physicians, Substance use and treatment, Workforce
Publications - (35)
Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: A National Study
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2021
Using national data from 2014, this policy brief describes geographic variation in the mix of providers caring for rural versus urban Medicare beneficiaries, the quantity of visits received by beneficiaries across Census Divisions and types of rural areas, and the distance traveled for care for several serious conditions. -
Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Beneficiaries in Five States: An Update
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2021
Using data from five states, this study describes the mix of providers caring for rural Medicare beneficiaries, the quantity of care received, and how far rural beneficiaries traveled for care for several selected conditions in 2014. Results are also compared with a similar study of the same states that used data from 1998. -
The Distribution of the General Surgery Workforce in Rural and Urban America in 2019
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2021
Researchers examined the 2019 per capita supply of general surgeons in rural and urban areas of the U.S. and compared those results to a similar study of general surgeon supply conducted in 2001. Researchers also examined change in the regional distribution and age and sex characteristics of general surgeons since 2001. -
Post-acute Care Trajectories for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Planned Versus Actual Hospital Discharges to Skilled Nursing Facilities and Home Health Agencies
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2021
This policy brief describes trajectories for rural Medicare beneficiaries following hospital discharge, including differences between planned and actual discharge to skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies. More than 40% of beneficiaries for whom home health care was indicated did not receive care from a home health agency.
Comparing the Health Workforce Provider Mix and the Distance Travelled for Mental Health Services by Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2020
This study used 2014 administrative Medicare claims data to describe the mix of health professionals who care for rural and urban patients with mood and/or anxiety disorders. It further describes where these beneficiaries received care and the one-way distance (miles) and time (minutes) they travelled to receive it. -
Supply and Distribution of the Primary Care Workforce in Rural America: 2019
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2020
Maintaining an adequate supply of primary care providers in the U.S. is one of the key challenges in rural healthcare. This study examines the 2019 supply and geographic distribution of primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants across rural areas of the U.S. -
Supply and Distribution of the Primary Care Workforce in Rural America: A State-Level Analysis
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2020
Maintaining an adequate supply of primary care providers in the U.S. is one of the key challenges in rural health care. This study examines the 2019 supply and geographic distribution of primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants across rural areas of the U.S., providing state-level data briefs. -
Variation in Use of Home Health Care Among Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries by Rural-Urban Status and Geographic Region: Assessing the Potential for Unmet Need
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2020
This study describes use of home healthcare by rural-urban status and geographic region. Findings suggest geographic region drives variation more than rural-urban status. Unmet need may be highest in the most remote rural counties and rural counties within the West North Central, East North Central, Mountain, and Pacific Census Divisions.
Differences in Care Processes Between Community-Entry Versus Post-Acute Home Health for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2019
This study describes home healthcare processes for rural Medicare beneficiaries who are admitted from the community (community-entry) versus those who are admitted following an inpatient stay (post-acute). Care processes include timely initiation of care, length of stay, and services provided (e.g., physical therapy, medical social work).
Projected Contributions of Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants to Buprenorphine Treatment Services for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Areas
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2018
This study projected the potential increase in medication assisted treatment availability for opioid use disorder (OUD) provided by nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) for rural patients under the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, which allows NPs and PAs to obtain a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for OUD. -
Geographic Distribution of Providers With a DEA Waiver to Prescribe Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: A 5‐Year Update
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2018
This study compares the geographic distribution of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners waivered to prescribe buprenorphine in 2012 and 2017. -
Geographic Variation in the Supply of Selected Behavioral Health Providers
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2018
This study examined the supply of select behavioral health providers by metropolitan, micropolitan, and non-core county and Census Division. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurse practitioners are unequally distributed throughout the U.S., with disparities between Census Divisions and rural vs. urban areas. -
Service Provision and Quality Outcomes in Home Health for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries at High Risk for Unplanned Care
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2018
This study examined service provision and quality outcomes among rural Medicare beneficiaries who used home health from 2011-2013 and were at high risk for unplanned care. More skilled nursing visits and visits by more types of providers were associated with higher hospital readmission and emergency department use and lower community discharge. -
What Makes Physician Assistant (PA) Training Programs Successful at Training Rural PAs?
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2018
While a majority of physician assistant (PA) programs identify production of rural PAs as an important program goal, many only have limited rural recruitment and training activities. This study identified PA program characteristics and training activities that are strongly associated with the production of a high proportion of rural graduates.
Barriers Rural Physicians Face Prescribing Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2017
Opioid use disorder is a serious public health problem. Management with buprenorphine is an effective medication-assisted treatment, but 60.1% of rural counties lack a physician with a Drug Enforcement Agency waiver to prescribe buprenorphine. This national study surveyed all rural physicians who have received a waiver in the United States. -
Changes in the Supply of Physicians With a DEA DATA Waiver to Prescribe Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 05/2017
This project mapped the location of physicians with a DEA DATA 2000 waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in July 2012 and April 2016. The number of counties without a waivered physician and the ratio of waivered physicians per 100,000 population is reported by the rural/urban status of the county.
What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 11/2016
This study collected information on rural community paramedicine in the U.S. programs to describe their goals, target populations, services offered, connections with local community providers and resources, outcomes measured, and results, where available. -
Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2016
This brief uses National Provider Identifier (NPI) data to report on the variability of the supply and provider to population ratios of five types of behavioral health workforce providers (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurse practitioners, counselors) in Metropolitan, Micropolitan and Non-core rural areas across the U.S. -
Graduates of Rural-centric Family Medicine Residencies: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2016
This study of graduates of family medicine residencies seeking to produce rural physicians identified influences on rural practice choice, including significant others, residency, and practice communities. Findings point to the need to sustain the preferences of physicians interested in rural practice and encourage this interest in others. -
How Could Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Be Deployed to Provide Rural Primary Care?
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2016
New (2014) rural enrollees in the insurance plans on federal and state exchanges are expected to generate about 1.39 million primary care visits per year. At a national level, it would require 345 full-time equivalent physicians to provide those visits. This study examines how different mixes of physicians, PAs, and NPs might meet the increase. -
Which Physician Assistant Training Programs Produce Rural PAs? A National Study
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2016
The proportion of physician assistant (PA) graduates who enter practice in rural settings has dropped over the last two decades, though PAs still continue to enter rural practice at a higher rate than primary care physicians. This identifies the PA training programs that produced high numbers of rural PAs and the programs associated.
Geographic and Specialty Distribution of U.S. Physicians Trained to Treat Opioid Use Disorder
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2015
Examines the distribution of physicians authorized to treat opioid use disorder in the United States, and proposes increasing access to office-based treatment as a promising strategy to address rising rates of opioid use disorder in rural areas.
Access to Specialty Health Care for Rural American Indians in Two States
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2008
Examines access to specialty services among rural Indian populations in Montana and New Mexico, based on a survey sent to primary care providers addressing access to specialty physicians, perceived barriers to access, and access to nonphysician clinical services. -
Poor Birth Outcome in the Rural United States: 1985-1987 to 1995-1997 (Final Report)
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2008
Rates of low birthweight, poor outcomes, and inadequate prenatal care among urban and rural areas were evaluated and compared from 1985-1997 using data from the Linked Birth-Death Data Set. -
Poor Birth Outcome in the Rural United States: 1985-1987 to 1995-1997 (Project Summary)
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2008
Rates of low birthweight, poor outcomes, and inadequate prenatal care among urban and rural areas were evaluated and compared from 1985-1997 using data from the Linked Birth-Death Data Set. -
Access to Cancer Services for Rural Colorectal Cancer Patients
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2008
Includes findings from a study to determine how far rural and urban colorectal cancer (CRC) patients travel to three types of specialty cancer care services-surgery, medical oncology consultation, and radiation oncology consultation.
Modeling the Mental Health Workforce in Washington State: Using State Licensing Data to Examine Provider Supply in Rural and Urban Areas
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2006
Identifies mental health shortage areas using existing licensing and survey data. Shortages of mental health providers exist throughout the state, especially in rural areas. Urban areas had 3x the psychiatrist full-time equivalents (FTEs) per 100,000 and more than 1.5x the nonpsychiatrist mental health provider FTEs per 100,000 as rural areas.
Pathways to Rural Practice: A Chartbook of Family Medicine Residency Training Locations and Characteristics
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2005
This chartbook discusses the characteristics and geography of family medicine residency programs' rural locations, types of rural family medicine training by location, and rural mission of family medicine residencies. -
Rural Definitions for Health Policy and Research
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2005
Defining "rural" for health policy and research purposes requires researchers and policy analysts to specify which aspects of rurality are most relevant to the topic at hand and then select an appropriate definition. Rural and urban taxonomies often do not discuss important demographic, cultural, and economic differences across rural places-differences that have major implications for policy and research. Factors such as geographic scale and region also must be considered. Several useful rural taxonomies are discussed and compared in this article. Careful attention to the definition of "rural" is required for effectively targeting policy and research aimed at improving the health of rural Americans.
Characterizing the General Surgery Workforce in Rural America
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 05/2004
General surgeons form a crucial component of the medical workforce in rural areas of the United States. Analysis of the data suggests that the general surgical workforce has not kept pace with the rising population, and that the number of general surgeons in most rural areas of the United States will decline further.
The Contribution of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants to Generalist Care in Underserved Areas of Washington State
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2003
This article uses productivity data from the non-physician clinician (NPC) and physician populations in Washington state to assess the contribution to generalist care made by NPCs, giving special attention to the role of NPCs in rural and underserved areas and the role of women NPCs in the female provider population. -
State of the Health Workforce in Rural America: Profiles and Comparisons
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2003
This publication provides an overview of rural healthcare workforce issues. National and state-by-state data on the healthcare workforce, with rural-urban comparisons and interstate comparisons, are included, along with data on rural healthcare facilities.
National Estimates of Physician Assistant Productivity
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2001
Analysis of productivity data from a nationally representative sample of physician assistants (PAs) showed that PAs performed 61.4 outpatient visits per week compared with 74.2 visits performed by physicians. However, productivity of PAs varies strongly across practice specialty and location.
Dimensions of Retention: A National Study of the Locational Histories of Physician Assistants
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 1999
This study describes the locational histories of a representative national sample of physician assistants and considers the implications of observed locational behavior for recruitment and retention of physician assistants in rural practice.
Access to Maternity Care in Rural Washington: Its Effect on Neonatal Outcomes and Resource Use
Journal Article
Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/1997
Compares birth outcomes for areas with poor healthcare access to those with adequate healthcare access in rural Washington state.