Jennifer King
Phone: 919.966.9985
- Completed Projects - (1)
Completed Projects - (1)
Move Toward Clinical Doctorates in the Allied Health Professions: Implications for Rural Areas
Allied health occupations play a major role in health care delivery and comprise a significant proportion of the health care workforce in the United States. Researchers have found empirical evidence of allied health shortages in many states. Given the longstanding history of health professional shortages facing rural areas, there are concerns that the existing and impending shortages in allied health professions may be particularly acute in rural areas. This study will synthesize information on allied health professions, such as credentialing requirements and wage comparisons, with telephone and in-person interviews of rural health care employers, educators, and practitioners in order to assess the degree of alignment between community needs for allied health care services and existing and proposed certification and educational training for these health care providers.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Allied health professionals, Workforce