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Johnna S. Beane


Health Affairs Institute
West Virginia University
405 Capitol St, Suite 514
Charleston, WV 25301

Publications - (7)


  • Promotion and Protection of Rural Miner Health: Are the Resources in Place? (Final Report)
    West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 06/2013
    This report shows that mining areas in the United States, compared to non-mining areas, have on average better supplies of safety net providers, hospitals, and practicing primary care physicians. However, the study results support the need to examine the availability of safety net provider types in selected geographic areas where mining is done.
  • The Rural H1N1 Experience: Lessons Learned for Future Pandemics
    West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 06/2013
    This report describes the rural H1N1 experience, including comparisons of rural versus urban H1N1 vaccination rates, and describes rural H1N1 incidence, care patterns, and mortality.
  • Agricultural Health Training for Rural America
    West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 02/2013
    This report locates agricultural health programs and courses and describes collaborations that exist between clinicians and agriculture-related agencies.