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Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH

WWAMI Rural Health Research Center

Phone: 206.685.4799

WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
University of Washington
Department of Family Medicine
Box 354696
Seattle, WA 98195-4696

Completed Projects - (6)

  • Access to Cancer Services for Rural Colorectal Cancer Medicare Patients: A Multi-State Study
    This study examined a comprehensive database to quantify the distance and access to four types of cancer services in a sample of rural, Medicare-insured, CRC patients, and will inform future work designed to understand discrepancies in cancer service use by the rural elderly.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Aging, Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Medicare
  • Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?
    This research will use cancer registry data from 10 states to examine the degree to which rural residents diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer access the full range of surveillance, surgical, and radiation treatment options. Study findings will inform cancer centers, advocacy groups, rural program planners, and policymakers about services and programs needed to ensure that rural prostate cancer patients can choose from among all treatment options.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services
  • Improvement in the Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI): Have Rural Hospitals Followed National Trends?
    This project will determine whether overall improvements in the quality of care for AMI among Medicare patients, as measured by adherence to guidelines, have taken place in both rural and urban hospital settings.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Quality
  • Perinatal Health in the Rural United States, 2005
    This study examines perinatal outcomes in rural areas across the United States in 2005.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Women
  • Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients in U.S. Rural Hospitals
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Quality
  • Use of Recommended Radiation Therapy in the Rural U.S.
    This study will use cancer registry data from 10 U.S. states to examine which rural cancer patients are receiving recommended radiation therapy, and what factors influence receipt of recommended treatment. Identifying gaps in radiation therapy will inform cancer centers, rural program planners, and policy makers in rural cancer service locations and cancer support program development.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services

Publications - (14)



  • Inadequate Prenatal Care in the Rural United States, 2005
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 10/2013
    This policy brief finds that the states with levels of rural inadequate prenatal care (less than 50% of expected visits) in the "worst" or "worse than mid-range" categories were largely in southern and southwestern areas of the United States.
  • Low Birth Weight Rates in the Rural United States, 2005
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 10/2013
    This brief shares that the rural U.S. low birth weight rate in 2005 was significantly higher than the urban U.S. low birth weight rate.




  • Access to Specialty Health Care for Rural American Indians in Two States
    Journal Article
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 06/2008
    Examines access to specialty services among rural Indian populations in Montana and New Mexico, based on a survey sent to primary care providers addressing access to specialty physicians, perceived barriers to access, and access to nonphysician clinical services.
  • Access to Cancer Services for Rural Colorectal Cancer Patients
    Journal Article
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 2008
    Includes findings from a study to determine how far rural and urban colorectal cancer (CRC) patients travel to three types of specialty cancer care services-surgery, medical oncology consultation, and radiation oncology consultation.



  • Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rural and Urban U.S. Hospitals
    Journal Article
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 2004
    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a common and important cause of admission to rural hospitals, as transport of patients with AMI to urban settings can result in unacceptable delays in care. This study examines the quality of care for patients with AMI in rural hospitals with differing degrees of remoteness from urban centers.



  • Emergency Department Use by the Rural Elderly
    Journal Article
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 2000
    This study uses Medicare data to compare emergency department (ED) use by rural and urban elderly beneficiaries. Given the similarity of diagnostic conditions associated with ED visits, rural EDs must be capable of dealing with the same range of emergency conditions as urban EDs.


  • Rural and Urban Physicians: Does the Content of Their Medicare Practices Differ?
    Journal Article
    WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 1999
    Rural and urban areas have significant differences in the availability of medical technology, medical practice structures and patient populations. This study uses 1994 Medicare claims data to examine whether these differences are associated with variation in the content of practice between physicians practicing in rural and urban areas.