Lindsay Admon, MD, MSc

Phone: 734.936.3110
X: @lindsayadmon

Obstetrics & Gynecology
University of Michigan
L4000 Women's Hospital
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Current Projects - (1)

  • Postpartum Morbidity and Mortality and Health Care Utilization in Rural vs. Urban Communities
    Using 2006-2018 data from the National Health Interview Survey linked to the National Death Index through 2019, this project will examine postpartum mortality among rural and urban residents. We will also evaluate differences in health, health care utilization, and barriers to care across rural and urban communities.
    Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Healthcare access, Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP, Mental and behavioral health, Private health insurance, Social determinants of health, Uninsured and underinsured, Women

Completed Projects - (1)

  • Rural/Urban Differences in Postpartum Health Insurance, Healthcare Use, and Health Outcomes
    The purpose of this project was to identify rural/urban differences in health insurance, healthcare use, and health outcomes among postpartum individuals, and to describe policy-relevant implications or strategies to improve insurance coverage, receipt of recommended healthcare, and, ultimately, health outcomes among rural residents who give birth. With a lens towards health equity, all analyses were stratified by race/ethnicity and income.
    Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Hispanics, Hospitals and clinics, Legislation and regulation, Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP, Minority health, Private health insurance, Women

Publications - (9)





  • Characteristics of U.S. Rural Hospitals by Obstetric Service Availability, 2017
    Journal Article
    University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 08/2020
    This study described characteristics of rural U.S. hospitals by whether they provide labor and delivery care for pregnant patients. Researchers used the 2017 American Hospital Association Annual Survey to identify rural hospitals and detail their characteristics based on whether they provide obstetric services.


  • Rural-Urban Differences in Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the U.S., 2007-15
    Journal Article
    University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 12/2019
    In the U.S., severe maternal morbidity and mortality (SMMM) is climbing—a reality that is especially challenging for rural communities, which face declining access to obstetric services. Using data for 2007-15 from the National Inpatient Sample, we analyzed SMMM during childbirth hospitalizations among rural and urban residents.