Randy Randolph, MRP

North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center

Phone: 919.966.7113
Fax: 919.966.5764
Email: randy_randolph@unc.edu

Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
725 Airport Road CB 7590
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7290

Completed Projects - (1)

Publications - (37)


  • Rural Population Health in the United States: A Chartbook
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 02/2023
    This chartbook uses a range of indicators to describe population health in rural America and document health disparities between rural and urban areas. This report includes 33 measures of population health, organized into five domains: Access to Care, Health Outcomes and Risks, Mortality, Social Determinants of Health, and Socioeconomics.


  • Association Between Rural Hospital Service Changes and Community Demographics
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 05/2022
    Research has shown that among rural communities, those with a larger percentage of Black or Hispanic residents were more likely to experience a local hospital closure. This brief explores possible associations between the proportion of a rural community belonging to a AHRQ-identified priority population and local hospital service changes.
  • Since 1990, Rural Hospital Closures Have Increasingly Occurred in Counties That Are More Urbanized, Diverse, and Economically Unequal
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 03/2022
    The brief describes the socio‐economic, demographic, and health system characteristics for rural counties with and without hospital closures between 1990 and 2020. We analyzed potential differences among counties that experienced rural hospital closures from 2010‐2020 compared to counties with rural hospital closures from 1990‐2009.


  • Cardiovascular & Cancer Rates for the Rural Delta Region: Rural Delta Region Map Tool
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 08/2021
    The Rural Delta Region Map Tool is an interactive tool that shows 13 health measures for people in Delta Region counties/parishes. It can be used to compare rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease by county, by rural-urban status, to peer counties, to the national average, and to national quartiles.
  • Changes in Provision of Selected Services by Rural and Urban Hospitals Between 2009 and 2017
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 04/2021
    The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of recent trends in hospital service provision and whether there were disparities between rural and urban hospitals. This brief describes and compares the changes in service provision for rural and urban hospitals between 2009 and 2017.


  • Association of CMS‐HCC Risk Scores With Health Care Utilization Among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 12/2020
    The study examines the relationship between Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hierarchical Condition Categories risk scores and future healthcare utilization among rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries.
  • CMS Hierarchical Condition Category 2014 Risk Scores Are Lower for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Than for Urban Beneficiaries
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 12/2020
    The study investigates potential differences in rural and urban Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hierarchical Condition Category risk scores by rurality, census region, and beneficiary race or ethnicity.
  • Rural Hospitalizations for COVID-19: Snapshot on December 10, 2020
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
    Date: 12/2020
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data were analyzed to compare rural and urban hospitals on two metrics: 1) the percentage of hospitalized patients with COVID-19, and 2) the percentage of hospital beds occupied by patients that have COVID-19.
  • Rural Hospitals Have Higher Percentages of Patients With COVID-19
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
    Date: 12/2020
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data were analyzed to compare the percentage of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in rural versus urban hospitals.
  • Changes in Care-Seeking After Rural Hospitals Merge
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 07/2020
    Rural hospital mergers have increased significantly since 2010. Enhanced financial performance and improved quality are often cited as benefits, but hospital mergers can also lead to changes in the services provided by acquired hospitals. This brief estimates the use of inpatient services delivered by acquired rural hospitals following a merger.



  • CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating: For 762 Rural Hospitals, No Stars Is the Problem
    Policy Brief
    Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
    Date: 06/2017
    The purpose of this brief is to look more closely at the characteristics of rural hospitals with and without CMS Hospital Quality Star Ratings to help inform ongoing discussions about the usefulness of the quality star rating for comparing hospital quality and possible ways to improve the star rating initiative.


  • The Financial Importance of the Sole Community Hospital Payment Designation
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 11/2016
    Assesses the financial importance of the Sole Community Hospital (SCH) program by: the proportion of SCHs that was reimbursed at the hospital specific rate between 2006 and 2015; the profitability of providing services to Medicare patients in SCHs between 2006 and 2015, and; the financial consequences if the SCH program had not existed in 2015.
  • Trends in Risk of Financial Distress Among Rural Hospitals
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 10/2016
    From January 2005 to July 2016, 118 rural hospitals have closed permanently, and the rate of rural hospital closures is increasing. Hospital closures impact millions of rural residents. Identifying hospitals at high risk of closure and assessing the trends over time may inform strategies to prevent or mitigate the effects of closures.
  • Characteristics of Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Use Rural Health Clinics
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 05/2016
    The RHC role varies by state. While we don't have an understanding of what this looks like for each state, we can see that RHCs are an important provider for Medicaid beneficiaries. One of the most important differences is by age groups. All states tend to cater RHC services toward children, with a minimum of 39% of the RHC population < 18.


  • The Rising Rate of Rural Hospital Closures
    Journal Article
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 07/2015
    Discusses the increase in rural hospital closure rates, including the causes of closures and its impact on rural communities.
  • A Comparison of Closed Rural Hospitals and Perceived Impact
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 04/2015
    This policy brief compares selected characteristics of abandoned rural hospitals and their markets to those of converted rural hospitals.
  • The 21st Century Rural Hospital: A Chart Book
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 03/2015
    This chartbook presents a broad profile of rural hospitals and includes information on location, who they serve, services they provide, how they ensure outpatient services for their communities, other community benefits they provide, and financial performance. Each page includes charts comparing rural hospitals to each other and to urban hospitals.


  • Geographic Variation in Plan Uptake in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 10/2014
    This brief combines the data on plan selection in the federally facilitated marketplaces with estimates of those likely to qualify for the marketplace to calculate the percentage of potential eligible individuals who chose a health insurance plan (the uptake rate). It contains a heat map showing the variation in uptake rates across the country.
  • Discharge to Swing Bed or Skilled Nursing Facility: Who Goes Where?
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 02/2014
    This brief examines health conditions of patients discharged from rural prospective payment system (PPS) hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) to swing beds and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).


  • Implications for Beneficiary Travel Time if Financially-Vulnerable Critical Access Hospitals Close
    Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
    Date: 12/2013
    Changes to Critical Access Hospitals' reimbursement may spur some to close. This analysis considers the communities served by the 93 CAHs with the lowest profitability and therefore most likely to close due to a change in Medicare reimbursement.
  • Geographic Variation in the Profitability of Critical Access Hospitals
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 09/2013
    This study describes geographic variation in the profitability of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in 2012 to understand some of the regional differences in the potential effects of implementing policy proposals impacting CAHs.
  • Profitability of Rural Hospitals
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 08/2013
    This study compares the profitability between 2010 and 2012 of urban and rural hospitals paid under the Medicare Prospective Payment System (U-PPS and R-PPS, respectively) to rural hospitals with special Medicare payment provisions.
  • Provision of Uncompensated Care by Rural Hospitals: A Preliminary Look at Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10
    Policy Brief
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 08/2013
    This brief is a preliminary assessment of uncompensated care data quality included in Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10 for critical access hospitals and other rural hospitals to identify data quality issue implications for research and policy decisions. Worksheet S-10 data were collected from the Healthcare Cost Reporting Information System.


  • Pediatric Care in Rural Hospital Emergency Departments (Final Report)
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 05/2010
    This report analyzes data from the Emergency Pediatric Services and Equipment Supplement to the National Hospital Ambulatory Medicare Care Survey to compare rural and urban hospitals' responses on various dimensions of pediatric emergency department care.
  • Pediatric Care in Rural Hospital Emergency Departments (Findings Brief)
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 05/2010
    This brief analyzes data from the Emergency Pediatric Services and Equipment Supplement to the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Rural/urban hospitals' responses on pediatric emergency department (ED) care were compared. Rural ED directors also were surveyed to further explore rural pediatric ED care in more detail.


  • A Rural-Urban Comparison of Allied Health Average Hourly Wages
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 01/2009
    This report uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to describe the extent to which rural-urban differentials exist in wages for 11 allied health professions, focusing on professions that are both likely to be found in rural communities and have adequate data to support hourly wage estimates.


  • Urban-Rural Flows of Physicians
    Journal Article
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 2007
    Reports findings from a study to determine whether there was a significant flow of physicians from urban to rural areas in recent years when the overall supply of physicians has been considered in balance with needs.


  • The Effect of Rural Hospital Closures on Community Economic Health
    Journal Article
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 04/2006
    This article describes the effect of hospital closures on the local economies based on a study of county-level economic data for 1990-2000 in rural counties experiencing hospital closures.



  • Definition of Rural in the Context of the MMA Access Standards for Prescription Drug Plans
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 09/2004
    This study assesses how the definition of rural affects the potential impact of the access standards in the Proposed Rule to implement Title I of the MMA and finds that the congressional objective to achieve convenient access to pharmacies (other than mail order) would be more fully realized if the Proposed Rule definition of rural is changed.


  • Impact of the Medicaid Budgetary Crisis on Rural Communities
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 08/2003
    This paper provides an overview of the Medicaid program and options states have to reduce program costs. Steps states have proposed or taken to reduce Medicaid costs and the potential impact of these changes on rural areas are discussed. The potential impact on rural communities of federal proposals to redesign Medicaid is assessed.


  • Rural Populations and Health Care Providers: A Map Book
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 09/2002
    This book uses 2000 Census data to reassess and provide a picture of where rural people live, how the racial and ethnic nature of rural populations are changing, and whether the distribution of healthcare providers matches the population distribution.
  • Impacts of Multiple Race Reporting on Rural Health Policy and Data Analysis
    North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Date: 05/2002
    The paper examines some of the impacts to rural health analysis of new federal policy that allows people to choose one or more race categories when classifying themselves.