Roger Rosenblatt, MD, MPH
Contact information for this researcher is no longer available, but you can still access their previous work.
- Completed Projects - (1)
- Publications - (17)
Completed Projects - (1)
Is Rural Residency Training of Family Physicians an Endangered Species? An Interim Follow-up to the 1999 National BBA Study
This study examined the proportion of rural-based family medicine residencies that have ceased operations since 2000, the residency-match experiences of the surviving programs, the proportion of U.S. medical school graduates and international medical graduates, major issues confronting these rural residencies, and likely impacts of these changes on the preparation of future family physicians for rural America.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: International Medical Graduates (IMGs), Physicians, Workforce
Publications - (17)
Geographic and Specialty Distribution of U.S. Physicians Trained to Treat Opioid Use Disorder
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2015
Examines the distribution of physicians authorized to treat opioid use disorder in the United States, and proposes increasing access to office-based treatment as a promising strategy to address rising rates of opioid use disorder in rural areas.
Do Rural Patients With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices? (Final Report)
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2014
This report compares rates of receipt of prostate cancer treatments and of the treatment options between early-stage prostate cancer patients living in urban and four levels of rural counties.
Receipt of Recommended Radiation Therapy Among Rural and Urban Cancer Patients (Summary)
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2012
This study examines whether rural patients with cancer are less likely than their urban counterparts to receive recommended radiation therapy. The study also identifies factors influencing rural versus urban differences in radiation therapy receipt.
The Future of Family Medicine and Implications for Rural Primary Care Physician Supply (Final Report)
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2010
This report examines the rural physician shortage, the effect of recent trends in specialty choice on provider supply, and major trends that are changing the dynamics that shape the delivery of healthcare.
Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2009
This policy brief finds that resources are needed to increase and sustain the number of primary care providers and reduce financial barriers to care in all rural primary care health professional shortage areas.
Shortages of Medical Personnel At Community Health Centers: Implications for Planned Expansion
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2006
Examines the status of workforce shortages that may limit Community Health Center (CHC) expansion by surveying all 846 federally-funded US CHCs that directly provide clinical services and are within the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Pathways to Rural Practice: A Chartbook of Family Medicine Residency Training Locations and Characteristics
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2005
This chartbook discusses the characteristics and geography of family medicine residency programs' rural locations, types of rural family medicine training by location, and rural mission of family medicine residencies.
State of the Health Workforce in Rural America: Profiles and Comparisons
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2003
This publication provides an overview of rural healthcare workforce issues. National and state-by-state data on the healthcare workforce, with rural-urban comparisons and interstate comparisons, are included, along with data on rural healthcare facilities.
Accounting for Graduate Medical Education Funding in Family Practice Training
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2002
Medicare provides the majority of funding to support graduate medical education (GME). Following the flow of these funds from hospitals to training programs is an important step in accounting for GME funding. -
Rural-Urban Differences in the Public Health Workforce: Findings From Local Health Departments in Three Rural Western States
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2002
Most local health departments or districts are small and rural; two thirds of the nation's 2832 local health departments serve populations smaller than 50,000 people. Rural local health departments have small staffs and slender budgets, yet they are expected to provide a wide array of services during a period when the healthcare system of which they are a part is undergoing change.
This study provided quantitative, population-based data on the supply and composition of the rural public health workforce in 3 extremely rural states: Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming. The study focused on the relative supply of personnel in the principal public health occupational categories, differences across states in staffing levels, and difficulties experienced in recruiting and retaining personnel.
Family Medicine Residency Training in Rural Areas: How Much Is Taking Place, and Is It Enough to Prepare a Future Generation of Rural Family Physicians?
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2002
This paper examines how much rural family practice training is taking place in the United States. The report concludes that to the extent that there is a link between the place of training and future practice, the lack of rural training contributes to the shortage of rural physicians.
Improving the Quality of Outpatient Care for Older Patients With Diabetes: Lessons From a Comparison of Rural and Urban Communities
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2001
Compares the quality of diabetic care received by patients in rural and urban communities in Washington State. Concludes that large rural towns may provide the best conditions for high-quality care-growing communities that serve as regional referral centers and have an adequate, but not excessive, supply of generalist and specialist physicians. -
Local Health Districts and the Public Health Workforce: A Case Study of Wyoming and Idaho
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2001
Studies personnel in local health departments (LHDs) focused on two predominantly rural states: Idaho and Wyoming. Although in the same region of the country, the structure of local public health is different in each state.
Emergency Department Use by the Rural Elderly
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2000
This study uses Medicare data to compare emergency department (ED) use by rural and urban elderly beneficiaries. Given the similarity of diagnostic conditions associated with ED visits, rural EDs must be capable of dealing with the same range of emergency conditions as urban EDs.
Rural and Urban Physicians: Does the Content of Their Medicare Practices Differ?
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 1999
Rural and urban areas have significant differences in the availability of medical technology, medical practice structures and patient populations. This study uses 1994 Medicare claims data to examine whether these differences are associated with variation in the content of practice between physicians practicing in rural and urban areas.
The National Health Service Corps: Rural Physician Service and Retention
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/1997
The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) scholarship program is the most ambitious program in the US designed to supply physicians to underserved areas, in addition the NHSC promotes long-term retention of physicians in the areas to which they were initially assigned. This study explores some of the issues involved in retention in rural areas. -
Access to Maternity Care in Rural Washington: Its Effect on Neonatal Outcomes and Resource Use
Journal Article
Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/1997
Compares birth outcomes for areas with poor healthcare access to those with adequate healthcare access in rural Washington state.