Website Search Results for: transitions of care

39 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 39:

31. Other Rural Health Research Resources - Other

Resources for rural health research, health services research, and rural health.

...transition to a high performance rural health system. Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC) Provides technical assistance, information, tools, and resources for the improvement of rural health care...

32. Recap Details: Travel Burden to Receive Health Care - Rural Health Research Gateway - Recaps
Date: Oct 1, 2022

Summary and citation information for the recap Travel Burden to Receive Health Care., compared to rural White residents. 2 Figure 2. Average Distance Traveled for Care, 2017 2 Financial Burden Residents with lower household incomes traveled longer times to receive medical/dental care. Households earning less than...

33. Rural-based Accountable Care Organizations Accepting Downside Risk: Rural Health Research Project - Projects
Date: Sep 1, 2022

The Rural-based Accountable Care Organizations Accepting Downside Risk is a rural health research project funded by the Federal Office Rural Health Policy. organization (ACO) characteristics with the likelihood of participation in 2-sided risk tracks in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Small and rural ACOs were found to be less prepared to transition...

34. Publication Details: Alternatives to Hospital Closure: Findings From a National Survey of CAH Executives - Rural Health Research Gateway - Publications
Date: Feb 1, 2021

Summary and citation information for the document Alternatives to Hospital Closure: Findings From a National Survey of CAH Executives, produced by North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center. centers, and Federally Qualified Health Centers were considered to be the most viable. Since the survey was completed, policymakers continue to consider legislation that might enable rural free-standing emergency departments. Most recently...

35. Northern Border Regional Commission State and Region Chartbooks: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis: Rural Health Research Project - Projects
Date: Sep 1, 2020

The Northern Border Regional Commission State and Region Chartbooks: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis is a rural health research project funded by the Federal Office Rural Health Policy.

...transitional, and distinguish between rural and urban counties. The region chartbook provided state-aggregated data on the same topics, and additional information on telehealth policies and grants, scope of practice for healthcare practitioners, and health...

36. Recap Details: Aging in Place - Rural Health Research Gateway - Recaps
Date: Oct 1, 2022

Summary and citation information for the recap Aging in Place.

...transit options for individuals who are unable to drive, and broadband internet infrastructure to increase opportunities for social engagement. 3,4 Resources University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center (2020). Rural-Urban Differences Among Older...

37. Publication Details: Alternatives to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System: Assessing the Impact on Rural Hospitals - Rural Health Research Gateway - Publications
Date: Apr 1, 2010

Summary and citation information for the document Alternatives to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System: Assessing the Impact on Rural Hospitals, produced by NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis.

...transition to OPPS-referred to as "hold harmless" provisions. Given changes in rural hospital reimbursement for outpatient services, particularly as the hold-harmless protection is expected to phase out in December 2009, the purpose...

38. Examining Differences in Rural and Urban Medicare FFS Beneficiaries' Emergency Department Use Pre-COVID-19 and During COVID-19: Rural Health Research Project - Projects
Date: Sep 1, 2021

The Examining Differences in Rural and Urban Medicare FFS Beneficiaries' Emergency Department Use Pre-COVID-19 and During COVID-19 is a rural health research project funded by the Federal Office Rural Health Policy.

...transitioned and adjusted to the impacts of COVID-19. The study will address and describe the demographic, socioeconomic, and health service characteristics associated with ED service use changes and their relationship to communities that experienced...

39. The Rural MACRA Experience: Rural Health Research Project - Projects
Date: Sep 1, 2017

The The Rural MACRA Experience is a rural health research project funded by the Federal Office Rural Health Policy.

...The Rural MACRA Experience: Rural Health Research Project --- The The Rural MACRA Experience is a...