Southwest Rural Health Research Center

Completed Projects

Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.



  • Predictors and Barriers to Achieving Immunization in Rural and Urban Areas
    Prenatal and timely childhood immunizations offer the optimal strategy for preventing severe morbidity and mortality due to vaccine-preventable disease. This project evaluated possible gaps in immunization services for pregnant women and their infants in rural areas as compared to urban areas.
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Health promotion and disease prevention, Health services, Maternal health
  • Rural Versus Urban Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence
    This project determined rural-urban disparities in the prevalence of intimate partner violence-related hospitalizations using a national representative sample of hospital admissions for the period between 2009-2014 using data from the national Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.
    Topics: Violence and abuse, Women
  • Trends and Predictors of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Light of the Opioid Crisis Along the Urban-Rural Continuum
    This project explored trends in the burden of HIV and predictors of HIV-related mortality and morbidity. The study examined how the opioid crisis has changed the nature of the burden of HIV, especially considering differential disease burdens between residents of rural areas relative to their urban counterparts.
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Pharmacy and prescription drugs, Substance use and treatment
  • Trends in Preterm Birth by Rural Status in the U.S.
    This project determined rates of preterm birth by rural versus urban residence and across census regions. The project also examined the relationship between preterm birth and maternal characteristics, including race and ethnicity as well as pregnancy complications among women in rural versus urban residence.
    Topics: Maternal health, Women
  • Variations in Travel Burdens Associated with Access to Care Between Rural and Urban Residents
    This project focused on geographic access to medical and dental care, recognizing that travel time and distances can hinder individuals from obtaining necessary care. The study explored the travel time and distances to care for specific sub-populations and in specific geographic settings, particularly urban versus rural residence and region.
    Topics: Health services, Healthcare access, Transportation



  • Community Health Worker Roles, Regulation and Growth in Rural America
    This study looked at the role of Community Health Workers in improving access to healthcare services in rural and urban environments. The project focused on the growing and changing roles of these influential actors and how their responsibilities vary based on setting (hospital, clinic, community, etc.), location (rural vs. urban), and regulations.
    Topic: Healthcare access
  • Examining the Legal Landscape in Rural America: Implications for the Healthcare Workforce, Access to Care, and Population Health
    This project explores potential rural/urban differences in the prevalence of malpractice claims, clinical privilege actions, and state licensure actions among health care providers. We will also examine whether variations in nurse practitioner scope of practice laws affect rural residents differentially, especially with respect to preventive care.
    Topics: Allied health professionals, Health services, Legislation and regulation, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Workforce


  • Rural/Urban Differences in Chronic Diseases and Delay of Needed Care
    This project examined rural versus urban differences in the prevalence, incidence, stage, and severity of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and selected cancers. There was a focus on delayed access to needed care and whether rural residents present later and with more advanced disease states.
    Topics: Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions
  • The Burden of Diabetes in Rural America
    The purpose of this project was to determine rural versus urban differences in type 2 diabetes prevalence, morbidity and mortality in the U.S. Diabetes complications, disparities and associated demographics were reported. A comparison of Mexican-American border versus non-border states was also included.
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Minority health


  • Are Rural Mothers and Infants Benefiting from Changes in National Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Policy?
    This study explored breastfeeding practices among rural participants in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program before and after a federal policy change in WIC Food Packages. National Food and Nutrition Survey data was used to examine the potential impact on breastfeeding, infant feeding practices, and food/beverage consumption.
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Maternal health, Poverty, Women
  • Provision of Skilled Nursing in Rural America: Skilled Nursing Facilities and Swing Beds
    This project will allow researchers and policy makers to understand the nature of swing bed and skilled nursing facility care provision in rural areas of the U.S. Our national comparison will include indicators such as service mix, length of stay, discharges, volume and census, and certifications and provider characteristics.
    Topics: Aging, Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicare



  • Chronic Disease Management in Rural Areas: Examination of Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care Programs
    The goal of this project was to advance knowledge of the use of disease management (DM) to address chronic conditions among rural populations, analyzing information from participating health plans and providers about special challenges and effective strategies in DM initiatives targeting rural populations.
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare
  • Medicaid Budget Cuts and Long-Term Care Supplement
    Data on each state will be collected identifying all the changes made to their Medicaid program in the area of long-term care or related services to the frail elderly and disabled, and a policy paper addressing the impact of Medicaid cuts on long term care services, particularly among the elderly in rural areas, will be produced.
    Topics: Aging, Disabilities, Long-term care, Medicaid and CHIP
  • Nursing Home Quality: A Comparison between Rural and Non-Rural Nursing Homes
    The research examines the effect of location (rural/non-rural) on the characteristics of nursing homes and residents, and on various indicators of quality of care.
    Topics: Long-term care, Quality, Rural statistics and demographics
  • Rural Healthy People 2010 Expansion: Access to Long-Term Care and Rehabilitation Services, Educational and Community-Based Programs, and Public Health Infrastructure
    This project expanded the work of Healthy People 2010 by adding three additional chapters and associated models for practice: Access to Long-Term Care and Rehabilitation Services, Educational and Community-Based Programs, and Public Health Infrastructure.
    Topics: Cancer, Diabetes, Health services, Long-term care, Public health
  • State Child Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) and Access to Medical Transportation Program Services
    This project created a typology of S-CHIP models and the interface between each and the existing Medical Transportation Program (MTP) available to Medicaid recipients in select states. In addition, the project compared rural and non-rural variances in patterns of utilization of MTP service in S-CHIP programs, identified the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches utilized by the different state MTP models, and compared the performance of the various state models in assuring access to covered medical services and identified barriers to S-CHIP services.
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Medicaid and CHIP, Transportation
  • State of Rural Health Provider Organizations and Health Professional Shortages
    This study addresses the convergence of health professions shortages and financial limitations among rural hospitals and rural home health providers. Successful strategies or best practices implemented in rural areas to address the shortages will be identified.
    Topics: Allied health professionals, Home health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Workforce