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Launching Data Collection on a Common Set of Measures for the EB THNP and SAT TNGP Grantees

Research center:
Rural Telehealth Research Center
Phone: 319.384.3830
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2019
Project completed:
August 2020

The Rural Telehealth Research Center (RTRC) worked cooperatively with the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to establish data collection protocols and tools on a set of measures that are being used for a cross-grantee evaluation of the Evidence-Based Tele-Behavioral Health Network Program (EB THNP) as specified in the funding opportunity announcement HRSA-18-032 as well as the recently added Substance Abuse Treatment Telehealth Network Grant Program (SAT TNGP) as specified in the funding opportunity announcement HRSA 17-122.

The primary purpose of this project is to launch data collection among EB THNP and SAT TNGP grantees on a common set of measures. Specifically, this project will: 1) distribute the Excel-based data collection tool and training manual to the grantees; 2) begin to collect the uniform data elements from the EB THNP/SAT TNGP grantees; 3) review and provide feedback, and work through data collection issues, assuring that data adheres to the study protocol; and 4) begin descriptive data analysis.

Once Office of Management and Budget clearance is in place, the EB THNP/SAT TNGP grantees will begin to forward their assembled data to RTRC through a secure data transfer arrangement. Data submitted by these grantees will be reviewed promptly for accuracy and completeness. As necessary, procedures will be adjusted and clarified to address issues that arise. As we work through data collection procedures, we will perform preliminary descriptive statistical analyses to identify patterns in the data and characteristics of the study population.

There may be products related to this project; please contact the lead researcher for more information.