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Mental and behavioral health

Research Findings

View publications, including policy briefs, working papers, and journal articles, on Mental and behavioral health:


View one-page summary Recaps of key findings from the Rural Health Research Centers on Mental and behavioral health:

  • Opioid Use and Treatment Availability
    Date: 01/2018
    This resource examines opioid use in rural communities, as well as the perceived need for and utilization of treatment for opioid use disorder, based on a summary of the Rural Health Research Centers' most recent research.
  • Opioid Use Disorder and Treatment: Rural-Urban Comparisons
    Date: 02/2022
    This Recap examines rural-urban comparisons related to the prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD), the impact of OUD on hospitals and emergency departments, and prescribing buprenorphine for OUD treatment.
  • Rural Behavioral Health
    Date: 11/2017
    Rural behavioral health issues are compounded by a lack of access to care, workforce shortages, reimbursement issues, and high rates of uninsured or under-insurance. This resource provides a summary of the Rural Health Research Centers' most recent research on behavioral health.
  • Rural Behavioral Health Workforce
    Date: 08/2023
    As of March 31, 2023, there were 4,040 Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas in rural areas, with 2,141 practitioners needed to remove the designations. This recap examines the behavioral health workforce supply, including the distribution of counselors, psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.
  • Rural Mental Health
    Date: 09/2022
    This Recap examines mental health conditions and treatment across rural and urban areas, including: serious mental illness, major depression, adverse childhood experiences, and suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts.


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Projects on this Topic

Learn more about the research questions guiding each study, the lead researcher for each, and when the Research Center anticipates releasing completed product(s) under each project.