Risky Substance Use Among Adolescents and Adults in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Counties

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2019
Project completed:
November 2020

A dearth of contemporary information exists about risky substance use among children and adults residing in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan counties nationally. Even less information is available about Native American and other racial or ethnic minorities residing in nonmetropolitan counties.

This project filled important gaps in knowledge that health policymakers may use to develop and implement more effective substance use prevention interventions for nonmetropolitan adolescents and adults. Specifically, we aimed to: 1) estimate and compare alcohol use and binge drinking between nonmetropolitan and metropolitan adolescents and adults; 2) estimate and compare drug use (marijuana, other illicit drugs, and non-medical use of other drugs) between nonmetropolitan and metropolitan adolescents and adults; and 3) estimate and compare alcohol, tobacco, and drug use between Native American and other racial or ethnic groups residing in nonmetropolitan counties. This project provided evidence about the prevalence of these risky behaviors among nonmetropolitan residents that will inform the allocation and implementation of prevention programs aimed at reducing risky alcohol and drug use among rural Americans.
