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The Uninsured: An Analysis by Age, Income, and Geography


Using the 2010 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE), we analyze the rural and urban uninsured populations by age, showing that in both places, uninsured rates decline dramatically with age. We find that, within each age group, rural uninsured rates are somewhat lower than urban uninsured rates at income levels below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. However, since a greater proportion of the rural population falls into the age and income categories with high uninsured rates, rural people as a group stand to benefit slightly more from subsidized coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIM) or Medicaid expansion (if enacted). Furthermore, we discuss the potential for age differences between rural and urban uninsured populations to drive HIM premiums upward, an effect which may be mitigated or compounded by various other factors.

RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Abigail Barker, Jessica Londeree, Timothy McBride, Leah Kemper, Keith Mueller