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Leah Kemper, MPH

RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis

Publications - (30)


  • Health Insurance Marketplaces: Issuer Participation Trends in Non-Metropolitan Places, 2014-22
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
    Date: 08/2022
    Since the 2014 implementation of Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIMs), considerable changes have been observed in the number of insurance companies offering plans across the United States. This policy brief describes changes in HIM plan issuers over the 2014-2022 period with an emphasis on variation across metropolitan and non-metropolitan places.



  • Comparing Rural and Urban Medicare Advantage Beneficiary Characteristics
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 03/2019
    This brief reports few rural and urban differences in observed demographic characteristics among enrollees in the Medicare Advantage program. Issuers often exclude rural counties from their service areas, but we find no evidence that this is due to such demographics, suggesting that other reasons relating to population size may be more likely.


  • Health Insurance Marketplaces: Issuer Participation and Premium Trends in Rural Places, 2018
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 08/2018
    This brief assesses changes from 2014 to 2018 in average Health Insurance Marketplace plan participation and pre-subsidy premiums in rural and urban places. Insurance carriers reduced participation across both, while the gap between average premiums in expansion and non-expansion states is widening at a similar rate in rural and urban counties.
  • Distance and Networks: A Regional Analysis of Health Insurance Marketplaces
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 02/2018
    Using 2015-16 data on 15 Midwestern states, we examine the possibility that geographic distance to care plays a role in insurance issuer participation, premiums, and enrollment success through its effect on network adequacy and assess the moderating role that state-level policies on network adequacy standards and Rating Area design may have.


  • 2016 Rural Enrollment in Health Insurance Marketplaces, by State
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 01/2017
    Cumulative county-level enrollment rates in Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIMs) in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of each state, defined as the percentage of "potential market" participants selecting plans, are presented as of March 2016. States are separated by Medicaid expansion status.


  • Rural Medicare Advantage Market Dynamics and Quality: Historical Context and Current Implications
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 07/2016
    There is significant variation in the quality ratings of MA plans that are available to rural beneficiaries. This brief suggests that policy interventions may be necessary to improve the quality of MA plans in rural areas.
  • Health Insurance Marketplaces: Premium Trends in Rural Areas
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 06/2016
    Total Health Insurance Marketplace premiums have grown disproportionately in rural places in 2016. Urban counties have an average of 4.2 firms, while rural counties average 3.2 firms offering coverage through the HIMs. This causes concern since, at the county level, we find that as the number of firms increases, premiums increase at a slower rate.
  • Rural Medicare Advantage Plan Payment in 2015
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 01/2016
    Payment to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans was fundamentally altered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA). This brief finds that while plans operating in both rural and urban areas have experienced a reduction in MA payment, the reduction in rural payment overall has been less significant.


  • Rural Enrollment in Health Insurance Marketplaces, by State
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 10/2015
    This brief compares cumulative enrollment totals in Health Insurance Marketplaces in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas by state and the percentages of potential market participants enrolled. Non-metropolitan enrollment rates were higher in several states. The analysis shows how well outreach/enrollment efforts targeting rural areas work.
  • Rural Enrollment in Health Insurance Marketplaces
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 07/2015
    This brief analyzes Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment outcomes for 2015 at rating area/county levels. Enrollment rates are reported by number of firms participating and for multiple geographic categories: population density, census region, and metropolitan status of the county. Rural/urban rates are often similar, but areas of concern exist.
  • Health Insurance Marketplaces: Early Findings on Changes in Plan Availability and Premiums in Rural Places, 2014-2015
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 05/2015
    Analysis of national county-level Health Insurance Marketplace (HIM) plan data for 2014 and 2015 shows there is no systematic pattern to rural experiences of HIMs, although some isolated places may be at risk for weak outcomes.
  • 2014: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 01/2015
    Rural Medicare Advantage (MA) and other prepaid plan enrollment in March 2014 was about 1.95 million, an increase of more than 216,000 from March 2013. Enrollment increased to 1.99 million in October 2014. Rural and urban enrollment increased despite reductions in payment and the conclusion of the MA bonus payment demonstration at 2014's end.


  • Geographic Variation in Premiums in Health Insurance Marketplaces
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 08/2014
    This policy brief analyzes the 2014 premiums of health insurance plans available in the new marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act.
  • A Guide to Understanding the Variation in Premiums in Rural Health Insurance Marketplaces
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 05/2014
    This brief provides a framework for assessing variations in the premiums of plans offered in the Health Insurance Marketplaces across geography.
  • The Uninsured: An Analysis by Age, Income, and Geography
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 02/2014
    This brief analyzes the rural/urban uninsured populations by age. Furthermore, we discuss the potential for age differences between rural and urban uninsured populations to drive Health Insurance Marketplace premiums upward, an effect which may be mitigated or compounded by various other factors.
  • 2012 Rural Medicare Advantage Quality Ratings and Bonus Payments
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 01/2014
    This brief analyzes differences in rural Medicare Advantage (MA) quality ratings and payments and suggests reasons why quality ratings vary by geography. Overall, the quality rating of MA plans in rural areas is lower than in urban areas, a result of the availability of, and enrollment in, different types of MA plans.


  • The Uninsured: An Analysis by Income and Geography
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 06/2013
    This brief reports that a larger proportion of the rural versus urban population is uninsured and low income and will be eligible for subsidized Health Insurance Marketplace coverage due to income levels and current lack of insurance.


  • Rural Medicare Advantage 2011: Enrollment Trends and Plan Characteristics
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 10/2011
    This paper reports findings from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data analysis to examine the trends/geographic variations in Medicare Advantage (MA) plan enrollment, premiums, and market concentration by firm. The data provide an overview of the MA program in rural America and highlight key rural/urban differences within the program.
  • June 2011: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 09/2011
    This brief shows increases in enrollment into Medicare Advantage plans in rural America. The enrollment is concentrated in plans offered by three firms, especially in the types of plans with high rural enrollment, which are preferred provider organizations and private fee-for-service plans.
  • March 2011: Growth in PPOs Dominates the Rural MA Market in 2011
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 04/2011
    From March 2010 to March 2011, rural Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment in preferred provider organization (PPO) plans grew from 28% (396,006 enrollees) to 46% (702,315 enrollees) of total enrollment, while rural MA enrollment in private-fee-for-service plans fell from 38% (530,678 enrollees) to 16% (249,499 enrollees).


  • September 2010: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 11/2010
    Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans grew to nearly 1.5 million enrollees in September 2010 (15% of eligible Medicare beneficiaries), while national MA enrollment grew to more than 11.5 million (25%). Rural Medicare beneficiaries will find fewer options for MA health insurance coverage in 2011.
  • Rural Medicare Advantage: Modest Enrollment Growth in 2010
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 08/2010
    Despite a slight drop in enrollment and a dramatic shift in the landscape of the rural Medicare Advantage (MA) market in early 2010, MA plans have experienced modest growth in enrollment in rural areas during the last two quarters of 2010. The majority of the growth is concentrated in preferred provider organization plans.
  • February 2010: A Dramatic Shift Away From Private Fee-for-Service Plans in Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 03/2010
    Private fee-for-service (PFFS) enrollment fell in rural areas in early 2010. As a result, Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment in rural areas fell. Nationwide, enrollment in preferred provider organization and health maintenance organization plans grew, offsetting the decline in PFFS enrollment and contributing to growth in total MA enrollment.
  • December 2009: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Grows 15% in 2009
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 01/2010
    Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) and other prepaid plans grew by 15% from December 2008 to December 2009. Preferred provider organization plans drove the increased enrollment in MA plans in rural areas in 2009, while private fee-for-service plans continued to dominate the market with over 50% of enrollment.


  • July 2009: Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Continues to Grow
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 08/2009
    Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage continues to increase, with growth in the last 18 months led by the growth of preferred provider organization (PPO) plans. Despite the growth in PPO plans, private fee-for-service plans continue to dominate enrollment in rural areas and have accounted for much of the program's growth since 2005.
  • Impact of the Recession on Rural America: Rising Unemployment Leading to More Uninsured in 2009
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 06/2009
    This brief presents the results of state and county analysis of unemployment rates nationally in urban and rural (non-metropolitan) areas during the period 2007-February 2009 and discusses the impact of rising unemployment on uninsurance in rural areas.
  • May 2009: PPOs Driving Growth in Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 06/2009
    Rural Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment had rapid growth in preferred provider organization (PPO) plans and a decline in the growth rate of private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans. MA enrollment has continued to climb, but it has been impacted by the slowed rate of growth in PFFS plans, which cover more than half of MA enrollees in rural areas.
  • April 2009 Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage: Growth in PPOs Outpacing Growth in PFFS
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 05/2009
    Private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans dominate enrollment in rural areas and have accounted for much of the program's expansion since 2005. However, from December 2008 through April 2009 enrollment growth of preferred provider organization (PPO) plans, both nationally and in rural areas, was double the enrollment growth of PFFS plans.
  • Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage: Growth Slows in 2008
    Policy Brief
    RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Date: 03/2009
    The rate of growth of enrollment in the Medicare Advantage program decreased significantly in 2008, compared to previous years. The growth rate in preferred provider organization plans in rural areas now exceeds that in private fee-for-service plans. This updates earlier findings from analysis of the MA program reported by the RUPRI Center.