Healthcare access
Completed Projects
Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.
Characteristics of Buprenorphine Therapy Among Commercially-Insured Pregnant and Postpartum Women
This project analyzed claims from a national commercial insurance database to characterize buprenorphine therapy initiation persistence and adherence among pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder (OUD) and assessed differences in buprenorphine OUD treatment characteristics among rural and urban pregnant/postpartum women.
Research center: ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Maternal health, Substance use and treatment
Examining Differences in Rural and Urban Medicare FFS Beneficiaries' Emergency Department Use Pre-COVID-19 and During COVID-19
This study described and compared the differences in the utilization of emergency department (ED) services among rural and urban Medicare Fee-For-Service enrollees during 2018-2021. Researchers identified factors associated with differences in ED use, including shifts in volume, primary diagnoses, and admission source, before and since the COVID-19 public health emergency in rural and urban areas.
Research center: ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Social determinants of health
Examining the Potential Impact of Multiple Payment Policies on Rural Versus Urban Home Health Agencies
This study estimated the impact of three recent and upcoming Medicare home health payment policies (revised rural add-on payments, new prospective payment system, and value-based purchasing demonstration) on reimbursement for home health agencies based on rural-urban status, community factors, and home health agency characteristics.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Health services, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Home health, Medicare, Post-acute care
Rural Premiums, Issuer Participation, and Enrollment in Health Insurance Marketplaces: An Updated Analysis
The project described variations in Health Insurance Marketplace plan design and availability, total and net-of-subsidy premium trends, and enrollment over time between rural and urban areas and identified associations between these factors and several key policy differences and changes, controlling for economic and demographic variation.
Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Topics: Health reform, Healthcare access, Private health insurance, Rural statistics and demographics, Uninsured and underinsured
Trends in Health Workforce Supply in the Rural U.S.
Rural communities in the U.S. have struggled to recruit and sustain sufficient health professionals to ensure adequate access to care. This study used multiple sources of data to describe the geographic distribution (rural/urban, regional, and intra-rural) of numerous types of health professionals.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Allied health professionals, Healthcare access, Mental and behavioral health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Oral health, Physician assistants, Physicians
Understanding Rural Non-Emergent Emergency Department Use
Research shows rural residents use emergency departments (ED) at higher rates than urban residents. Other studies suggest rural residents are more likely to visit the ED for a non-emergent reasons. This study used the 2014-17 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to analyze factors associated with rural versus urban residents' non-emergent use of EDs.
Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Health services, Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics
Ambulance Deserts: Addressing Geographic Disparities in the Provision of Ambulance Services
This two-year study aimed to identify geographic disparities in accessing ambulance services by building a database of ambulance service locations in year one and identifying and creating maps of ambulance deserts within each of the states in year two.
Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Healthcare access, Rural statistics and demographics, Transportation
Overcoming Barriers to Providing Rural Obstetrical Training for Physicians
Rural communities struggle to maintain obstetrical (OB) services, due in part to scarce rural training opportunities for obstetricians and family physicians. This study described the availability, characteristics, and output of residency and fellowship programs offering rural OB training and identified solutions to support this training.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Maternal health, Physicians, Women, Workforce
Rural Health Access: Affordability and Barriers to Care
Rural-urban comparisons of healthcare access and affordability predate many policy reform efforts aimed at increasing access and decreasing costs—ongoing concerns of rural families. This study used national health survey data to examine rural-urban differences in access to medical care, access to insurance, and affordability of care.
Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Health reform, Health services, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Private health insurance, Public health, Social determinants of health
Change in Service Provision at Rural Hospitals
The purpose of this study was to compare the services offered by rural hospitals (to urban hospitals) over time (2009-2017) and among rural hospitals of different size, region, rurality, and payment type.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics
Continuous Services in the Absence of Retail Pharmacies in Rural Communities
This project identified communities with and without pharmacies by rurality and described the differences in population and market characteristics of communities with and without any pharmacies. Research findings regarding "pharmacy deserts" informed alternative methods of securing services based on community characteristics.
Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Topics: Health services, Healthcare access, Medicare Part D, Pharmacy and prescription drugs
Healthcare Use and Expenditures Among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries Aged 85 and Over
The proportion of U.S. residents ages 85+ is expected to grow substantially in the coming decades with the impact of this growth in rural areas likely to be pronounced. This project used data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey to examine rural-urban differences in healthcare use and expenditures among Medicare enrollees ages 85+.
Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Aging, Healthcare access, Long-term care, Medicare
Location and Characteristics of Nursing Homes in the Rural and Urban U.S.
This project examined rural and urban nursing home availability; assessed the nursing home bed supply relative to the elderly population in rural and urban counties; summarized resident and nursing home characteristics; and analyzed the relationship between the rural location of nursing homes and resident and nursing home characteristics.
Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Topics: Aging, Health services, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Long-term care, Medicare
Rural Hospital Closure and Effect on Local Economies
Several research projects have analyzed the health effects of rural hospital closures. However, highly cited evidence on the economic effects of rural hospital closures is more than a decade old. The purpose of this study was to quantify the economic impact rural hospital closures have on communities.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Health reform, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare
Capacity of Rural Counties to Respond to an HIV or Hepatitis C Outbreak
Rural counties may be potentially vulnerable to an HIV or Hepatitis C outbreak among persons who inject drugs. Using mixed methods, we provided an understanding of the rural areas at risk of an outbreak based on their state and county characteristics and an assessment of their public health infrastructure.
Research center: Maine Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Public health, Substance use and treatment
Comparison of Rural Hospital Closures and the Communities Served, 1990-2020
This project examined rural hospital closures during three decades to profile community characteristics, health status, health care services, and resources available in communities where rural hospitals have closed.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Health reform, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare
Decline in Inpatient Volume at Rural Hospitals
The purpose of this study was to compare the decline in inpatient volume of rural hospitals to urban hospitals and among rural hospitals of different size, region, rurality, and payment type.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics
Estimating the Number of Hospitals that Might Convert to Rural Emergency Hospitals
This project reviewed the literature to establish what is known about freestanding emergency centers (FECs) and implications for a rural community. The number and types of rural hospitals that would be eligible to convert to an FEC as an alternative to closure of acute inpatient care was estimated.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Health reform, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare
Rural Nursing Home Closures - Trends, Characteristics, and Impact on Access
This project built a database of nursing home closures across rural and urban areas in the U.S. and evaluated the changes in access to post-acute and/or long-term care providers. It also described the differences in organizational, financial, and market characteristics between open vs. closed nursing homes in rural vs. urban areas.
Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Topics: Aging, Healthcare access, Long-term care, Medicare
The Current Distribution of the General Surgery Workforce in Rural America
This project described the current national supply and distribution of general surgeons in rural vs. urban areas of the United States as well as geographic variability in the supply of general surgeons across the rural/urban and intra-rural dimensions at the regional level.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Health services, Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics, Physicians, Rural statistics and demographics, Workforce
What Is the Geographic Distribution of the Workforce with a DEA Waiver to Prescribe Buprenorphine?
This project updated statistics on the supply of providers (physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants) with a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) waiver to prescribe buprenorphine and examine supply trends over time and also established baseline numbers of other eligible providers (e.g., midwives, clinical nurse specialists).
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Health services, Healthcare access, Mental and behavioral health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Physician assistants, Physicians, Substance use and treatment, Workforce
Changes in Care-Seeking After Rural Hospitals Merge
This project seeks to understand how mergers affect the inpatient care-seeking of markets served by merging hospitals.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Hospitals and clinics
Continuing Data Collection on a Common Set of Measures for the School-Based TNGP Grantees
The primary purpose of this project is to continue data collection from School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program (SB TNGP) grantees to evaluate school-based telehealth using a common set of measures that will help build the evidence base and inform future policy changes and sustainability efforts.
Research center: Rural Telehealth Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Telehealth
Investigating Differences in School-Based Telehealth Implementation and Services in the School-Based TNGP Grantees
The principal goal of this project is to gather contextual information from School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program (SB TNGP) grantees regarding project design and implementation, and the practicalities of delivering telehealth services in school settings that will help explain the heterogeneity found in the data across the grantees.
Research center: Rural Telehealth Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Telehealth
The Supply and Rural-Urban Distribution of the Obstetrical Care Workforce in the U.S.
This project will use multiple data sources to characterize the distribution of the obstetrical care workforce in the U.S., comparing health professional-to-population ratios in rural and urban areas. Health professionals examined in this study include obstetricians, family physicians, and certified nurse midwives.
Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Maternal health, Physicians, Workforce
Launching Data Collection on a Common Set of Measures for the School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program Evaluation
The Rural Telehealth Research Center worked cooperatively with the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to establish data collection protocols and tools on a set of measures that are being used for a cross-grantee evaluation of the School-Based Telehealth Network Grant Program.
Research center: Rural Telehealth Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Telehealth
Health Insurance Marketplaces, Medicaid, and Uncompensated Care: The Rural Impact
This project provides an in-depth analysis of Health Insurance Marketplace (HIM) plan design, specifically measuring the availability and prevalence of high-deductible plans in rural as compared to urban areas.
Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Topics: Healthcare access, Medicaid and CHIP, Uninsured and underinsured
Rural Health Clinics: Medicare & Medicaid Profile
This study builds on our work with the 2009 RHC Medicare claims. This project will result in the development of a longitudinal data collection/tracking mechanism of key RHC Medicare claims data and cost report elements (provider-based cost reports only at this point in time). RHC Medicaid data for a sample of states will be requested and analyzed to determine utilization patterns and identification of potential quality metrics.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Medicare, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Impact of Health Insurance Coverage on Native Elder Health: Implications for Addressing the Health Care Needs of Rural American Indian Elders
This project examined the types of health insurance coverage of rural Native American elders ages 55 and older, and examine how different types of health insurance coverage and lack of health insurance coverage impact access to health care services among Native American elders by geographic location (rural frontier, rural non-frontier and urban).
Research center: Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Aging, Frontier health, Healthcare access, Private health insurance, Rural statistics and demographics, Uninsured and underinsured