Completed Projects
Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.
Cardiovascular & Cancer Rates for the Rural Delta Region
This interactive tool can be used to compare county-level rates and incidence of cancer and cardiovascular related health measures for people residing in the lower Mississippi River Delta Region. Users may filter by various health measures and download images and data.
Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Topics: Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Obesity
Rural Food Security, Food Availability, and Health Outcomes
This project will examine the characteristics of food security and food availability across the rural-urban continuum. The study will test the hypotheses that food insecurity will differ significantly between rural and urban counties in the U.S. with rural areas experiencing more adverse conditions; and that there will be a significant relationship between food insecurity, food availability and selected adverse health outcomes in non-metropolitan counties in the U.S.
Research center: West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
Topic: Obesity
Diabetes and Obesity: Is there a Rural-Urban Difference in the Burden?
Persons with diabetes are more likely to be obese, increasing the economic burden of diabetes related care. Purpose of this study is to examine if being overweight and obese places additional economic burden and if there is a rural-urban difference in this regard. It will help understand the health and economic consequences of diabetes and obesity epidemic on people's health.
Research center: FORHP-funded Individual Grantees
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Obesity