
Completed Projects

Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.


  • Assessment of the Area Deprivation Index in Rural Areas
    The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) was created by University of Wisconsin researchers to provide a score for neighborhoods based on their level of disadvantage. This study characterized differences in ADI in rural vs urban areas, summarized the existing literature on ADI, and described expert considerations for utilizing the ADI for future policy.
    Research center: ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Frontier health, Poverty, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health
  • Housing as a Social Determinant of Rural Health
    The purpose of this project was to identify rural/urban and within-rural differences in housing quality and its relationship to health and disability status, especially for individuals living in poverty. We also identified rural-specific housing issues and innovative policy solutions to address housing challenges in order to improve rural health.
    Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Disabilities, Environmental and agricultural health, Poverty, Public health, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health


  • Rural Family Physicians' Ability to Address Patients' Social Determinants of Health Needs
    This project examines how practice-level and community-level characteristics are associated with a family physician's assessment of their practice's ability to address patients' social needs.
    Research center: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
    Topics: Physicians, Poverty, Social determinants of health
  • Rural/Urban Differences in Health and Health Care Access for LGBT Adults
    The purpose of this project was to identify rural/urban differences in health and health care access for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults. We also identified within-rural differences among LGBT adults by race, ethnicity, age, disability status, and socio-economic status. Finally, we identified examples of best practices supporting LGBT health and wellness in rural areas.
    Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Aging, Cancer, Disabilities, Healthcare access, Mental and behavioral health, Minority health, Poverty, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health
  • The Direct Care Workforce in Rural Areas
    In this study, we measured the supply of long-term care services and supports (LTSS) direct care workers relative to older adult populations in rural and urban areas and measure employer and industry turnover among LTSS direct care workers. We also explored how compensation levels – including wages and employer-based health insurance – are related to and predict worker turnover in the LTSS direct care workforce in rural and urban areas.
    Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Aging, Allied health professionals, Health services, Home health, Long-term care, Post-acute care, Poverty, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health, Workforce



  • Are Rural Mothers and Infants Benefiting from Changes in National Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Policy?
    This study explored breastfeeding practices among rural participants in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program before and after a federal policy change in WIC Food Packages. National Food and Nutrition Survey data was used to examine the potential impact on breastfeeding, infant feeding practices, and food/beverage consumption.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Maternal health, Poverty, Women


  • Rural Socioeconomic Risk and Resiliency Inventory and Associated Health Outcomes
    This study will create a national inventory of social and economic risks and resiliencies for every county in the nation, and relate those risks to health outcome data. The study will test whether rural areas with fewer risks and greater resiliencies are related to better health outcomes.
    Research center: West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Environmental and agricultural health, Poverty


  • Effect of Safety Net Providers on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalization Rates in Rural Counties
    This project will determine if the presence of a community health center or rural health clinic in a county reduces ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations for children, working age adults, and older adults.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Health services, Poverty, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)


  • Uninsurance and Welfare Reform in Rural America
    This project used widely accepted databases to examine the recent history of uninsurance rates in the U.S., focusing on the low-income population that could be eligible for welfare. Additionally, the project concentrated on how welfare reform has impacted the health insurance coverage of welfare recipients and other low-income persons over the period when welfare reform was phased in.
    Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Topics: Poverty, Uninsured and underinsured


  • Access to Physician Care for the Rural Medicare Elderly
    This study described where Medicare beneficiaries in five states obtain their health care, how far they travel for that care, and the mix of physician specialties from which they obtain ambulatory care. Special attention was paid to beneficiaries who have dual Medicare-Medicaid status, who reside in poorer income areas, and who live in designated Health Professional Shortage Areas.
    Research center: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Aging, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Medicare, Physicians, Poverty
  • Poverty, Parental Stress, and Violent Disagreements in the Home Among Rural Families
    Using the National Survey of Children's Health, this study will address the prevalence of poverty, parental stress and violent disagreements in the home in rural and urban families. Associations among economic hardships, parent stress, violent disagreements in the home and mental health problems in children will also be investigated.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Poverty, Violence and abuse, Women