Violence and abuse
Completed Projects
Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.
Rural-Urban Differences in Domestic Violence as a Contributor to Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
Using 2016-2020 data from the CDC's Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, this project assessed the prevalence of domestic violence among rural and urban residents who give birth. We also analyzed how screening and support services could be improved to support rural families that experience domestic violence, including during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Maternal health, Social determinants of health, Violence and abuse, Women
Rural Versus Urban Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence
This project determined rural-urban disparities in the prevalence of intimate partner violence-related hospitalizations using a national representative sample of hospital admissions for the period between 2009-2014 using data from the national Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.
Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Violence and abuse, Women
Poverty, Parental Stress, and Violent Disagreements in the Home Among Rural Families
Using the National Survey of Children's Health, this study will address the prevalence of poverty, parental stress and violent disagreements in the home in rural and urban families. Associations among economic hardships, parent stress, violent disagreements in the home and mental health problems in children will also be investigated.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Children and adolescents, Poverty, Violence and abuse, Women
Teen Violence
This study will use national data to assess the prevalence of violence among rural youth, define risk factors for violence exposure among rural youth, and assess the current ability of rural school systems to provide appropriate mental health care and/or referrals for youth exposed to violence.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Children and adolescents, Mental and behavioral health, Violence and abuse
Rural Healthy People 2010: Expansion Project
The purpose of this expansion project is to build on the findings of Rural Health People 2010 by concentrating on the 13th and 14th highest ranking rural priority areas (Immunization and Infection Diseases; Injury and Violence Prevention) and their associated models for practice.
Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Health promotion and disease prevention, Public health, Violence and abuse