Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Completed Projects
Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.
Availability and Quality of Dialysis in Rural Counties with a High Diabetes Burden
This project examined the degree to which counties with a high population risk for end stage renal disease, defined by high diabetes prevalence, are served by dialysis providers. It assessed the accessibility and quality of services for end stage renal disease looking for disparities associated with rural residence and racial/ethnic population composition.
Topics: Diabetes, Health services, Public health, Quality
Availability of Diabetes Self-Management Education in High Need Rural Counties
This project examined the degree to which counties with a high need for diabetes education, defined by high diabetes prevalence, have such education available. Findings were linked to a related study that examined the availability of dialysis for end stage renal disease, a severe outcome of poorly addressed diabetes.
Topics: Diabetes, Health services
Assessing Cancer Care Coordination in Rural Health Clinics During a Pandemic
This project aimed to understand how Rural Health Clinics perceived and implemented evidence-based cancer screening and treatment and related intervention strategies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Topics: Cancer, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Assessing Geographic Variability in Key Indicators of Water Quality and Air Quality: A Comparison of Urban vs. Rural Communities
The purpose of this project was to compare air and water quality indicators across U.S. Census tracts specifically focusing on rural vs. urban differences.
Topics: Environmental and agricultural health, Public health, Social determinants of health
Availability of Healthcare Infrastructure in Minoritized Racial/Ethnic Groups
This analysis compared the likelihood that selected healthcare infrastructure elements are available within rural and urban ZIP Code Tabulation Areas that contain versus do not contain a high proportion of historically disadvantaged minority residents.
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Healthcare access, Hispanics, Home health, Long-term care, Minority health
Examining Rural-Urban Differences in Availability of Hospital Cardiac Testing Services Between 2010-2020
This project will examine whether the availability of hospital-based cardiac testing services has changed over the past ten years in rural and urban counties and identify the characteristics of counties where service availability has changed.
Topics: Care management, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Public health
Rural-Urban Differences in Three Domains of Access to Health Care Services
This study proposed to leverage 2018 and 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to examine rural-urban and racial/ethnic differences within rural in three domains of access to health care services (affordability, accommodation, and acceptability) that are less frequently examined in population-based surveys.
Topics: Healthcare access, Minority health
Cancer Prevention and Control Activities in Rural Hospitals
This project aimed to understand how rural hospitals perceive and implement evidence-based cancer screening and treatment and related intervention strategies.
Topics: Cancer, Hospitals and clinics, Minority health
Impacts of Rural Hospital Closures on Community Health Outcomes and Access to Care
This proposal examined the impact of rural hospital closures occurring between 2005-2017 across the nation on change in potential demand within safety-net healthcare systems as well as changes in all-cause and cause-specific mortality.
Topic: Healthcare access
Planning and Pilot Testing of Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention and Control Interventions with Rural Health Clinics
This project leveraged growing collaborative efforts between the Rural and Minority Health Research Center, South Carolina Office of Rural Health, South Carolina Primary Health Care Association, and Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare to assess and improve cancer prevention and control among rural South Carolina residents.
Topics: Cancer, Minority health, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Rural-Urban Differences in Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences: Results from the National Survey of Children's Health
Using the 2016-2018 National Survey of Children's Health, the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive childhood experiences (PCEs) exposure in all 50 states and the District of Columbia were examined and whether ACE and PCE exposure differed between rural and urban residents, by type, by count, and by racial/ethnic group.
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Children and adolescents, Hispanics, Minority health, Social determinants of health
Rural-Urban Differences in Child and Adolescent Mental Health pre and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This project examined rural-urban differences in the prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression among children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as examined rural-urban differences in access to mental health care professionals and the receipt of care from a mental health professional before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Health services, Mental and behavioral health, Minority health
Creating County Level Estimates of Childhood Obesity in the U.S.: A Spatial Multilevel Modeling Approach
Using the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health, spatial multilevel models were constructed to estimate county level rates of childhood obesity in the U.S. Particular emphasis was placed on rural areas, for which direct estimates are often unavailable because of small sample sizes in population-based surveys.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Obesity
Rural Colon and Cervical Cancer Environmental Scan
Detailed research was needed to provide a complex, textured picture of rural healthcare and the ways in which existing federally supported providers could provide adequate services across the continuum of cancer care from prevention through survivorship.
Topics: Cancer, Minority health
Identification of High-Need Rural Counties Lacking an FQHC Presence
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) have been key safety net providers since the program was initiated. However, many rural communities lack this resource. Expanding on the index of relative rural deprivation developed by the SCRHRC, we identified high-need rural counties that currently are not served by an FQHC or similar provider.
Topics: Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Identifying Obesogenic Communities in the U.S.: An Urban-Rural Comparison
In this study, we created an obesogenic environment score for all U.S. counties and Census tracts, explored urban versus rural differences in obesogenic environment scores, and examined associations between obesogenic environments and childhood obesity overall and by level of rurality.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Obesity
Perceived Facilitators and Barriers to Rural Ambulatory Care Practice Among Registered Nurses
Although a quarter of all registered nurses work in ambulatory care settings, little research has addressed the factors associated with their remaining in the profession and current job settings. The study surveyed a sample of rural and urban nurses to ascertain perceived facilitators and barriers to remaining in rural practice.
Topics: Nurses and nurse practitioners, Workforce
Promotion of Rural Health Research Center Attendance at Cancer-Related Meetings
This project will promote attendance at cancer-related meetings by Rural Health Research Centers by facilitating the dissemination of information regarding important cancer meetings and handling the travel arrangements for Rural Health Research Center personnel.
Topics: Cancer, Minority health
Rural Nursing Workforce: Current Educational Characteristics and Options for Improvement
This project examined the current distribution of nurses, subset by educational attainment, across the rural U.S. using data from Census Public-Use Microdata files. Then surveyed approximately 750 registered nurse to bachelor of science in nursing (RN-to-BSN) educational programs across the U.S. identifying the proportion of programs offering rural content or facilitating rural placement.
Topics: Nurses and nurse practitioners, Workforce
Social Determinants of Health Among Minority Populations in Rural America
This project compiled information from the U.S. Census, the Area Health Resource File, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Rankings data set into a comprehensive summary of key social determinants of health among rural populations: demographic characteristics, economic characteristics, health facility availability, and selected health outcomes.
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Hispanics, Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health
Characteristics and Utilization Patterns of Rural Medicaid Recipients
This study used the Medicaid Analytic Extract file to examine the characteristics of persons enrolled in Medicaid by type of eligibility. The study also examined overall utilization and total payments for this utilization. All estimates were subset by rurality and region.
Topics: Medicaid and CHIP, Rural statistics and demographics
For Amber "Waives" of Grain: The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care Waiver Programs on Care Choices in Rural America
This project used a combination of systematic review of waiver content and structured interviews with key informants to assess the potential for rural disparities in access to care for Medicaid enrollees.
Topic: Medicaid and CHIP
Disparities in Access to Oral Health Care Among Rural Children: Current Status and Models for Innovation
The ACA contains key provisions on addressing oral health disparities among vulnerable populations. This project will provide baseline information on trends in rural health and describe the experiences of four states taking innovative approaches to implementation of key ACA oral health provisions.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Oral health
Potential Impact of ESRD Payment Reform on Rural Dialysis Patients
This study will estimate the potential implications of rural dialysis facility loss for rural patients. Specifically, we will identify low-volume dialysis facilities in rural areas, profile the patients they serve, and estimate the additional travel burden that these patients would experience if facilities close.
Topics: Health services, Hospitals and clinics
Rural-Urban Differences in Medicare Service Use and Expenditures in the Last Six Months of Life
Patterns of end-of-life care are known to vary by rurality and by minority status, and the availability of facilities such as hospice also vary with rurality. This study will examine the relationship between level of service use during the last six months of life and facility availability in county of residence (hospital, SNF, IRF, home health, hospice), as well as minority status of the beneficiary and whether the beneficiary is also eligible for Medicaid ("dual eligible").
Topics: Aging, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare, Minority health
Transitions of Care Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: The Care Continuum
Because they are often hospitalized outside their home community, rural Medicare beneficiaries may experience a different sequence of services after discharge than do urban beneficiaries. This study will follow beneficiaries across the continuum of post-hospital care to determine if rural beneficiaries, particularly minority beneficiaries, are more likely to experience care disruption and adverse outcomes, such as re-hospitalization.
Topics: Medicare, Minority health
Trends in Rural Children's Health and Access to Care
The past ten years have seen positive trends in the availability of health insurance coverage for children, coupled with worsening trends for poverty. This project will examine data from three iterations of the National Survey of Children' Health (2003, 2007, 2012) to see whether rural children have benefited equally from any improvements in health insurance, healthcare use, and health status.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Private health insurance
Colorectal Cancer Screening Bypass Behavior and Outcomes
Studies have shown that increased distance to the closest endoscopy provider is associated with lower screening utilization among Medicare enrollees. The purpose of this study is to expand beyond the Medicare population to examine the travel behaviors of the entire population, comparing urban vs. rural residents in obtaining endoscopies for colorectal cancer screening.
Topics: Cancer, Health promotion and disease prevention, Medicare
Identification of Highly Vulnerable Counties: The Intersection of Race, Poverty, and Health Care Resources
The United States rural population has changed since the 2000 Census; minority populations have increased while overall population growth has slowed. This analysis will identify places of high vulnerability, defined as counties with high proportions of poor and/or minority populations with low or reduced healthcare resources.
Topics: Minority health, Uninsured and underinsured
Rural-Urban Differences in Anticipated Need for Aging-Related Assistance Among Pre-Retirement Age Adults
We will use information from a nationally representative survey to ascertain how rural and urban adults aged 40-64 view their future and their plans for coping.
Topic: Aging
Post-Acute Stroke Care Delivery for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Post-stroke rehabilitation has been shown to improve outcomes among patients, but the limited available evidence suggests that rural residents and African Americans are less likely to receive this care. Our analysis will determine whether residence or race-based disparities exist in post-stroke care, after taking into consideration differences in patient status.
Topics: Medicare, Minority health, Post-acute care
Post-Hospital Transitions in Care Among Dually-Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries
This project will examine the hospitalization rates, post-discharge physician follow-up, and subsequent readmission rates among Medicare beneficiaries who are also enrolled in Medicaid. We will examine these dual-eligible beneficiaries by level of rurality to determine if residence is a significant factor in these rates. We will also control for co-morbidities, county characteristics, and other factors related to readmission rates.
Topics: Diabetes, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare
Role of Free Clinics in the Rural Safety Net
This two-part study will combine a mapping project that documents the location of free clinics across the US with a telephone survey of the 21 state and 2 regional free clinic associations.
Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Rural Area Deprivation and Hospitalizations Among Children for Ambulatory Sensitive Conditions
Rural areas with reduced social and economic resources may be particularly vulnerable to inadequate primary care for children.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Hospitals and clinics
Adequacy of Home Health Care Availability in Rural Counties
This project will describe current distribution of HHC agencies, by ZIP Code and county of facility location and of service provision, across levels of rurality. Second, the project will estimate whether rural populations at risk for inadequate access to HHC, based on projected population need population / provider ratios.
Topics: Aging, Home health
Characteristics and Utilization Patterns of Rural Dual-eligible Medicare Beneficiaries
Persons who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid insurance coverage (dual eligible) represent 21% of total Medicare enrollment, but account for more than 36% of Medicare expenditures. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether dual-eligible beneficiaries living in rural areas differ from their urban counterparts in demographic characteristics and Medicare expenditures.
Topics: Cancer, Diabetes, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare
Intensity of Service Provision for Medicare Beneficiaries Utilizing Home Health Services
This study will assess whether Medicare beneficiaries in rural areas receive a lower intensity of home health (HH) services compared to their urban counterparts. Specifically, the study will examine (1) the distribution of levels of HH services for four conditions: joint (hip and knee) replacement, stroke, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and diabetes; (2) the distribution of type of provider for each condition across the levels of rurality; and (3) the median charge and payment per beneficiary for these services across the levels of rurality.
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Home health, Medicare
Profiling Health and Health Resource Availability in U.S. – Mexico Border Counties
This project will augment a previous SCRHRC chartbook on Border health with additional information on health resources and health outcomes in US counties adjacent to Mexico.
Topic: Minority health
Rural and Urban Differences in Case-Mix Among Recipients of Home Health Care
We will examine current patient case-mix for the Medicare population receiving skilled health care from a home health agency to determine if there are rural or race/ethnicity-based disparities with regards to receipt of services and clinical acuity indicators.
Topics: Home health, Medicare
Racial and Rural Differences in Cervical Cancer Screening Practices
The purpose of this study is to describe and compare racial and rural differences in cervical cancer screening practices using data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. The findings will inform policies to increase appropriate access to quality cancer-preventive services.
Topics: Cancer, Health promotion and disease prevention, Minority health, Women
Analysis of State Dental Hygiene Practice Acts and Medicaid Policies for Children's Dental Care: Services Covered and Practitioners Reimbursed
The purpose of this qualitative analysis will be to obtain a clear picture of the degree to which (1) state SCHIP and Medicaid programs are implementing waivers, or other programs, to improve access to dental care for vulnerable populations including children and pregnant women; and (2) dental hygienists impact the dental safety net for rural America.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP, Oral health
Dental Sealant Utilization Among Rural and Urban Children
Dental sealants can prevent or reduce dental caries among children, but only about a third of children currently have sealants. This project will explore the dissemination of sealants among rural children, identifying characteristics of children and communities with low sealant use.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Oral health
Dialysis Availability in Rural America
Working from Medicare Dialysis Compare files and the Standard Analysis File of the US Renal Data System, we will evaluate the current availability of dialysis services across rural America. We will examine general availability of services, service to population ratios, and patient outcome measures across levels of rurality.
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Medicare
Rural Border Chartbook
This chartbook is the first study to examine the health status of residents living in U.S. counties that border Mexico as a single region rather than as four distinct state areas. We examined select health status indicators among residents of the four border states, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, comparing indicators by ethnicity (Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic), rurality (rural vs. urban), and proximity to border (border vs. non-border).
Topics: Hispanics, Minority health
Rural HIV: Estimated Prevalence of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Rural America
This study will describe the prevalence of HIV/AIDS by county, or when county-level data are not available, by sub-state region or state, together with information on the availability of health services, including Ryan White Clinics. A sub-study will develop models identifying rural counties at highest risk for increases in the population of PLWHA.
Topic: Chronic diseases and conditions
Premature Mortality: Potential Role of Health Insurance in Moderating Race/Ethnicity and Rural/Urban Disparities
This project will explore the degree to which lack of health insurance may contribute to high mortality rates among rural minority men and women aged 45-64.
Topics: Minority health, Uninsured and underinsured
Rapid Research Response on Health Care Reform Issues
The focus of the SC Rural Health Research Center is on investigating persistent inequities in health status within the population of the rural US, with an emphasis on inequities stemming from socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity, and access to healthcare services. Building on existing expertise, the SC Rural Health Research Center will create an internal process that allows for rapid turnaround of analysis on race/ethnicity and rural-based health disparity inquiries from policymakers.
Topic: Healthcare financing
Transitions in Care for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries with Diabetes
Hospital readmission rates among persons with diabetes, as well as absolute admission rates, may be used to study health disparities among rural and minority populations. This project will use data from the Medicare Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse to explore residence- and race-based disparities in diabetes admission rates, effective transitions to outpatient care, and re-admission rates, to help guide rural policy-makers and healthcare providers.
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Medicare, Minority health
Characteristics and Educational Needs of Rural Acute Care Hospital Boards of Directors
Rural hospital boards face challenges in an environment of increasing legal and financial complexity. This study will characterize rural hospital Board of Directors' backgrounds, perceptions of board function, and perceived need of training and development.
Topic: Hospitals and clinics
Diet and Physical Activity as Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity: An Urban and Rural Comparison
Obesity is more prevalent among rural than urban children, despite higher reported physical activity levels. This project will explore diet among rural children to explore how diet and physical activity may differ for rural children, particularly minority children.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Obesity
Chartbook: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Health of Rural Populations
This study will provide a cross-sectional, descriptive study that uses large, nationally representative data sets to illustrate health and health care among rural populations. The data sets to be used include the 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, the 2005 National Health Interview Survey, and the Area Resource File.
Topics: Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics
Effect of Safety Net Providers on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalization Rates in Rural Counties
This project will determine if the presence of a community health center or rural health clinic in a county reduces ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations for children, working age adults, and older adults.
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Health services, Poverty, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)
Chartbook: Oral Health and Unmet Needs for Dental Care Among Children
This study will characterize oral health status, dental care utilization, and unmet dental care needs among U.S. children by urban/rural residence. It will provide a descriptive analysis, using cross-sectional data from the 2003 National Survey of Children's Health.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Oral health, Rural statistics and demographics
Chartbook: Obesity in Urban and Rural Children
By providing a descriptive analysis of the disparities of childhood obesity by residence, socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity, the study will offer important information about the needs of children and adolescents living in rural areas and from families of low socioeconomic status.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Obesity, Rural statistics and demographics
Role of English Proficiency and Area of Residence in the Use of Adult Preventive Health Services Among Latino Subgroups
This project will examine whether and how language and residence influence the utilization of preventive health services by Latino adults.
Topics: Health promotion and disease prevention, Hispanics, Minority health
Mode of Travel and Actual Distance Traveled for Medical or Dental Care by Rural Residents
This project examined the influence of race and rural isolation on distance traveled to receive medical or dental care, and how the potential interaction of these factors might exacerbate disparities in access to care.
Topics: Health services, Minority health, Oral health, Transportation
Rural Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey
This collaborative project between WWAMI and the South Carolina Rural Health Research Centers examined and described the current staffing needs of rural health centers (RHCs), ascertained the staffing, recruitment, and retention issues that RHC CEOs regard as most critical; distinguished how issues differ between CEOs contemplating development of expansion sites versus those who are not; and described how these findings correlate with the literature and current national supply projections for the categories of health professions needed by the RHCs.
Topics: Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), Workforce
Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder across Rural Populations
Topics: Mental and behavioral health, Minority health
Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Hispanics
The project will examine the similarities and differences between rural and urban Hispanics and Caucasian adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Hispanics, Minority health
Disability Burdens Among Rural and Urban Older Americans
This project will use the 1994-2000 Second Longitudinal Study of Aging to develop detailed estimates of healthy, disabled, and total life expectancy among rural and urban populations. We will develop and compare the estimates between women and men, by race/ethnicity, and across differing levels of education.
Topics: Aging, Disabilities, Long-term care, Rural statistics and demographics
Effects of Alcohol Use on Educational Attainment and Employment in Rural Youth
This study will examine the effects of alcohol use during the teen years on subsequent educational attainment and employment in a panel of rural residents.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Substance use and treatment
Effects of Uninsurance during the Preceding 10 Years on Health Status Among Rural Working Age Adults
Utilizing data from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the effects of long-term, continuous uninsurance on health status will be analyzed through a comparison of rural and urban populations who were between the ages of 14-22 in 1979.
Topics: Diabetes, Uninsured and underinsured
How Rural Hospitals Are Meeting the Needs of Low-English Proficiency Patients
This study will determine the extent to which rural hospitals have implemented plans for compliance with the DHHS Low-English Proficiency regulations, describe the difficulties rural hospitals must overcome in order to provide health care to Hispanic clients, ascertain the translation techniques most commonly used by rural hospitals, and describe the most effective approaches in the provision of culturally competent health care to Hispanic clients.
Topics: Hispanics, Legislation and regulation, Minority health
Mental Health Risk Factors, Unmet Needs and Provider Availability for Rural Children
The study will examine the prevalence of subclinical problems in rural children, assess risk factors associated with problems in children, and assess the influence of local provider availability on healthcare provider contact.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Health services, Mental and behavioral health
Poverty, Parental Stress, and Violent Disagreements in the Home Among Rural Families
Using the National Survey of Children's Health, this study will address the prevalence of poverty, parental stress and violent disagreements in the home in rural and urban families. Associations among economic hardships, parent stress, violent disagreements in the home and mental health problems in children will also be investigated.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Poverty, Violence and abuse, Women
Rural Minority Health: A Comprehensive Assessment
This study will profile demographics of rural African Americans by region of the U.S.; describe clinical problems prevalent in rural African American populations; explore available health care facilities and practitioners in rural areas; investigate outpatient treatment provided to rural African American populations by type of practitioner; explore expenditures for health care among rural African Americans by region of the U.S.; and determine barriers to care such as insurance, provider availability, and health beliefs and behaviors.
Topics: Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics
Impact of Medicaid Managed Care, Race/Ethnicity, and Rural/Urban Residence on Avoidable Maternity Complications: A Five-State Multi-level Analysis
This project will examine differences in access to care for pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) and Medicaid fee-for-service, and examine differences in the impact of MMC on access among rural and minority persons.
Topics: Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP, Minority health, Women
Teen Violence
This study will use national data to assess the prevalence of violence among rural youth, define risk factors for violence exposure among rural youth, and assess the current ability of rural school systems to provide appropriate mental health care and/or referrals for youth exposed to violence.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Mental and behavioral health, Violence and abuse
Trends in Uninsurance Among Rural Minority Children
This project analyzed trends in health insurance coverage and health services utilization among rural children, in order to ascertain whether the S-CHIP program has positively affected rural children, and whether all rural children, including minority children, have benefited equally.
Topics: Children and adolescents, Uninsured and underinsured
Adequacy of Ambulatory Care Among Rural African Americans with Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes or Asthma
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Minority health
Assessment of Barriers to the Delivery of Medicare Reimbursed Diabetes Self-Management Education in Rural Areas
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Medicare, Minority health
Emergency Department Use by Medically Indigent Rural Residents
Topics: Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Hospitals and clinics, Uninsured and underinsured
Estimated Mental Health Care Utilization and Costs in Rural Areas
Topic: Mental and behavioral health
Insurance Status and Quality of Care for Children in Rural Areas: 1993-2000
Topics: Children and adolescents, Minority health, Poverty, Private health insurance, Quality, Uninsured and underinsured
Resource Mothers: Effect of a Home Visitation Program Using Indigenous Paraprofessionals on Maternal-Infant Preventive Services, Modifiable Risk Factors and Health Outcomes
Topics: Children and adolescents, Maternal health
Rural EMS Infrastructure
Topics: Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Frontier health
Rural Minority Health Data Warehouse
Topics: Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics
Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviors Among Minority Group Members: A National Rural and Urban Study
Topics: Health promotion and disease prevention, Minority health
Demand for Medical Services Among Previously Uninsured Children: The Role of Rurality
Topics: Children and adolescents, Medicaid and CHIP, Uninsured and underinsured
Rural Minority Health: A Comprehensive Assessment of Health Status, Health Care Utilization and Barriers to Care Among Rural Minorities
Topics: Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics
Rural-Urban Comparison of Mental Health Care Treatment and Costs
Topics: Healthcare financing, Mental and behavioral health