This website is being reviewed for updates. Some information is offline. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Facebook is an online community where people can interact, share stories, create events, and learn about others in their networks. There are Facebook profiles for individuals and Facebook pages for organizations, groups, brands, and businesses. Unlike profiles, pages are moderated by page administrators who can login to post comments, share stories, and monitor content. Research organizations and other rural health entities host Facebook pages. When someone likes an organization's page, all posts and content shared on that page will appear in the user's news feed.

General Rules

  • Create a profile name that is easy to recognize and is based on the organization's name.
    • Determine if you are developing a personal profile to share your own research or a Facebook page to promote your organization/institution/research center.
  • Select a profile photo or logo that reflects the organization. This image should not be changed once it is set. It will appear alongside all posts in users' news feeds.
  • Select a cover photo. This is a larger image that runs horizontally on the top of the page and can be changed.
  • The “About” section provides basic information and includes the organization's mission/purpose and any necessary disclaimers.
  • Post daily at a minimum.
  • Set guidelines for what can be liked and what can be posted, by whom, and how often.
  • Define a policy for engaging with end users and how to respond to posts on the page.
  • Set standards for what can be shared from partner organizations.

Recommendations for Format

  • Keep original posts at 250 characters or less.
  • The length of comments made on other organizations' posts should be 1,000 characters or less and include links for more information when applicable.
  • Ask users to share, like, or comment when posting to encourage interaction.
  • Respond as soon as possible to comments and other page posts from your followers.
  • Map out a plan for your content, including defining your social voice.


  • Keep posts reader friendly and action oriented.
  • Define your social voice and allow followers to get to know you/your organization.
  • Avoid jargon and acronyms.

Graphic Design and Layout

  • Do not use images that are not your own without proper citation.
  • Use only high quality images.
  • Do not use clipart or stock photos.
  • If sharing figures or graphs, make sure all elements are visible.