Completed Projects
Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.
Availability of Healthcare Infrastructure in Minoritized Racial/Ethnic Groups
This analysis compared the likelihood that selected healthcare infrastructure elements are available within rural and urban ZIP Code Tabulation Areas that contain versus do not contain a high proportion of historically disadvantaged minority residents.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Healthcare access, Hispanics, Home health, Long-term care, Minority health
Rural/Urban Differences in Postpartum Health Insurance, Healthcare Use, and Health Outcomes
The purpose of this project was to identify rural/urban differences in health insurance, healthcare use, and health outcomes among postpartum individuals, and to describe policy-relevant implications or strategies to improve insurance coverage, receipt of recommended healthcare, and, ultimately, health outcomes among rural residents who give birth. With a lens towards health equity, all analyses were stratified by race/ethnicity and income.
Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Healthcare access, Healthcare financing, Hispanics, Hospitals and clinics, Legislation and regulation, Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP, Minority health, Private health insurance, Women
Rural-Urban Differences in Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences: Results from the National Survey of Children's Health
Using the 2016-2018 National Survey of Children's Health, the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive childhood experiences (PCEs) exposure in all 50 states and the District of Columbia were examined and whether ACE and PCE exposure differed between rural and urban residents, by type, by count, and by racial/ethnic group.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Children and adolescents, Hispanics, Minority health, Social determinants of health
Disparities in Preventive Care by Race and Ethnicity Among Rural Adults
The purpose of this project is to identify differences in access to and use of preventive care by race and ethnicity among rural residents. Results from this project will identify racial/ethnic disparities that exist within rural communities and may guide targeted interventions to improve equity and increase access to high-quality healthcare for all rural residents.
Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Healthcare access, Hispanics, Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics
Social Determinants of Health Among Minority Populations in Rural America
This project compiled information from the U.S. Census, the Area Health Resource File, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Rankings data set into a comprehensive summary of key social determinants of health among rural populations: demographic characteristics, economic characteristics, health facility availability, and selected health outcomes.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Hispanics, Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health
Rural Border Chartbook
This chartbook is the first study to examine the health status of residents living in U.S. counties that border Mexico as a single region rather than as four distinct state areas. We examined select health status indicators among residents of the four border states, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, comparing indicators by ethnicity (Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic), rurality (rural vs. urban), and proximity to border (border vs. non-border).
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Hispanics, Minority health
Role of English Proficiency and Area of Residence in the Use of Adult Preventive Health Services Among Latino Subgroups
This project will examine whether and how language and residence influence the utilization of preventive health services by Latino adults.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Health promotion and disease prevention, Hispanics, Minority health
Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Hispanics
The project will examine the similarities and differences between rural and urban Hispanics and Caucasian adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Hispanics, Minority health
How Rural Hospitals Are Meeting the Needs of Low-English Proficiency Patients
This study will determine the extent to which rural hospitals have implemented plans for compliance with the DHHS Low-English Proficiency regulations, describe the difficulties rural hospitals must overcome in order to provide health care to Hispanic clients, ascertain the translation techniques most commonly used by rural hospitals, and describe the most effective approaches in the provision of culturally competent health care to Hispanic clients.
Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Topics: Hispanics, Legislation and regulation, Minority health
Community Health Worker Certification Process in Texas: Implications for Practice and Policy
Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Hispanics, Legislation and regulation, Workforce
Health Care System Response to a Growing Latino Population in Rural America
Research center: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Topics: Hispanics, Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics