Research Products & Journal Articles
Browse the full list of research publications on this topic completed by the Rural Health Research Centers.
Products – Freely accessible products include policy briefs, fact sheets, full reports, chartbooks, and interactive data websites.
Journal Articles – Articles in peer-reviewed journals may require a subscription or affiliation with a subscribing library. For these publications, Gateway lists the article citation, a brief summary, a link to additional information and access to the full-text of the article, if available.
Evaluating Medicare Advantage Benchmark Setting Methodology on Rural Counties
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2025
This brief explores how the process for setting benchmark payments for Medicare Advantage plans may create different incentives across rural and urban counties. -
Examining Differences in Rural and Urban Medicare FFS Beneficiaries' Emergency Department Use Before and During Covid
Policy Brief
ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2025
The brief examines changes in emergency department (ED) use among rural and urban Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key findings included a moderate increase in rural ED use, higher mortality and inpatient admissions, and decreased use among dual-eligible beneficiaries.
Rural-Urban Medicaid and CHIP Enrollee Comparisons Using the 2019 T-MSIS Analytic File
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2024
In 2019, nearly 25 percent of rural residents under age 65 had Medicaid or CHIP health insurance coverage. Researchers used data from the 2019 T-MSIS Analytic Files to compare urban and rural residents enrolled in either fee for-service or managed care Medicaid. This brief provides descriptive data on enrollment and demographics. -
Utilization of Inpatient and Emergency Services by Rural and Urban Medicaid Enrollees
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2024
In 2019, nearly 25 percent of rural residents under age 65 had Medicaid or CHIP health insurance coverage. Researchers used data from the 2019 T-MSIS Analytic Files to describe health care utilization among rural Medicaid beneficiaries at the national level and to compare these results to utilization among urban Medicaid beneficiaries. -
News Media Coverage of Rural Hospital Closures and the Causes
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 10/2024
This study augments previous research with findings from a structured framework of attributed causes of rural hospital closures through the analysis of news media reports. -
Financial Performance of Rural and Urban Hospitals in the Medicare Shared Savings Program
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 09/2024
This brief presents financial performance trends of hospitals who participated in Medicare's Shared Savings Program (SSP) from 2011 to 2018. Trends in six financial outcomes are compared between SSP and non-SSP hospitals over time and between rural and urban hospitals. -
Estimated Impacts of Multiple Payment Policies on Rural-Serving Home Health Agencies
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2024
This brief examines the estimated impact of three Medicare payment policy changes on home health agency (HHA) reimbursement by rural-serving status, geographic location, and select HHA characteristics. -
2018-23 Profitability of Rural Hospitals by Ownership and System Affiliation
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 06/2024
This study compares the 2018-23 profitability of rural hospitals based on ownership and system affiliation status. The purpose of this brief is to describe the profitability of rural hospitals over a five-year period consisting of two years before and three years after COVID-19. -
2018-23 Profitability of Rural Hospitals by With and Without Rural Health Clinics and Long-Term Care
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 06/2024
This study compares the 2018-23 profitability of rural hospitals for hospitals that provide and do not provide long-term care, and that operate and do not operate rural health clinics. -
2018‐23 Profitability of Rural and Urban Hospitals by Medicare Payment Designation
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 06/2024
This study compares profitability of three types of hospitals in both urban and rural locations: Critical Access Hospitals, Prospective Payment System-only (PPS) hospitals by number of acute beds, and PPS hospitals with special payment designations hospitals over a five-year period. -
Differences in Measurement of Operating Margin: An Update
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 05/2024
This study uses recent Medicare Cost Report data to compare rural and urban hospitals using the three definitions for operating margin. Researchers assess the distribution and extent of extreme values of operating margin. -
Discussions of Cancer Survivorship Care Needs: Are There Rural Versus Urban Inequities?
Journal Article
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 05/2024
This study used 2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data to test for rural versus urban inequities and identify other correlates of discussions about cancer survivorship care with health care professionals. -
Using the Updated Financial Distress Index to Describe Relative Risk of Hospital Financial Distress
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2024
Using a recent revision of the Financial Distress Index (FDI) model, this study aimed to describe the relative risk of experiencing financial distress for rural hospitals and selected urban hospitals. -
COVID-19 Affected Rural and Urban Hospital Uncompensated Care
Fact Sheet
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2024
The purpose of this infographic is to illustrate the impact COVID-19 had on uncompensated care and operating margin among rural and urban hospitals. -
Prevent or Treat: Availability of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Dialysis in High Need Rural Counties
Policy Brief
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 03/2024
In this brief, researchers assess the availability of in-county diabetes self-management education and dialysis across rural and urban counties. -
Satisfaction With Care Among Cancer Survivors With Medicare Coverage: Are There Rural vs. Urban Inequities?
Journal Article
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 03/2024
This article examines satisfaction with health care among rural vs urban Medicare cancer survivors. Researchers looked at nine dimensions of health care and tested for rural/urban differences, adjusting for demographic factors, health insurance, and self-rated health. -
Use of the Area Deprivation Index and Rural Applications in the Peer-Reviewed Literature
Policy Brief
ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2024
The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) was developed to capture area-level social deprivation for use in policy and research. In this literature review, researchers find that the use of the ADI in research is common. -
A Comparison of 2017-19 Uncompensated Care of Rural and Urban Hospitals by Net Patient Revenue, System Affiliation, and Ownership
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 01/2024
The purpose of this study is to better understand patterns of uncompensated care. It extends a 2018 study of geographic variation in uncompensated care between rural and urban hospitals. Specifically, researchers investigate the association of uncompensated care with net patient revenue, system affiliation, and ownership. -
Nursing Home Closures and Access to Post-Acute Care and Long-Term Care Services in Rural Areas
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2024
Nursing home closures have raised concerns about access to post-acute care (PAC) and long-term care (LTC) services. In this study, researchers estimate the additional distance rural residents had to travel to access PAC and LTC services because of nursing home closures.
Rural Emergency Hospital Map and Data
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 10/2023
This interactive map tracks hospitals that have converted to Rural Emergency Hospitals since January 2023. -
Suitability of Low-Volume Rural Emergency Departments to New Rural Emergency Hospital Designation
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2023
The Rural Emergency Hospital is a new Medicare payment model that requires hospitals to focus on emergency, observation, and outpatient services in lieu of inpatient care. This study's exploratory objective was to examine care delivery from eligible hospitals to assess their fit with the new payment model. -
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Rural and Urban Primary Care Practices Amid Implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
Journal Article
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 06/2023
This study examined whether colorectal cancer screening rates improved among rural and urban primary care practices amid implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. Researchers tested for rural/urban differences and changes in screening rates between 2016 and 2020. -
Differences in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Performance of Clinicians in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties in 2018
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2023
This brief describes rural clinician performance in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System in 2018, testing the supposition that they did not do as well as their urban counterparts. -
Factors Associated With Lengths-of-Stay for Inpatients With Substance Use Disorders
Policy Brief
ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2023
This policy brief identifies factors associated with inpatient length-of-stay (LOS) for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs), and whether there are systematic differences in LOS for rural and urban residents. -
Financial Risk Acceptance Among Rural Health Care Providers Participating in the Quality Payment Program
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 03/2023
This policy brief summarizes non-metropolitan and metropolitan providers' participation in different Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Quality Payment Program tracks and subdivisions, and evaluates provider and patient-panel characteristics associated with financial risk acceptance. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2022
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 01/2023
The 2022 report continues the RUPRI Center's annual series of Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment updates. In addition to tracking overall and nonmetropolitan/metropolitan enrollment, this brief also reports on changes in enrollment in types of MA plans and considers policy changes from previous years that may have impacted MA plan enrollment.
Characteristics of Rural Hospitals Eligible for Conversion to Rural Emergency Hospitals and Three Rural Hospitals Considering Conversion
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 12/2022
This brief presents 2021 data for Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)-eligible hospitals, compares financial and operational measures of three rural hospitals that have expressed interest in REH conversion to all REH-eligible hospitals, and discusses what factors may ultimately determine the number of rural hospitals that convert to REH. -
The Evolution of Hospital Designations and Payment in the U.S.: Implications for Rural Hospitals
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 12/2022
Medicare hospital payment policies affecting rural hospitals play a significant role in the financial viability of rural hospitals. This report provides an overview of historic and current Medicare rural hospital payment policies and alternative payment models to understand their impact on rural hospitals and the communities they serve. -
An Insurance Profile of Rural America: Chartbook
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2022
Over the past decade, health insurance coverage has changed in major ways in rural areas with shifts towards public and publicly subsidized coverage among the nonelderly – Medicaid, Marketplace plans – and a shift towards Medicare Advantage among those eligible for Medicare. This chartbook describes these trends in detail. -
Patterns of Health Care Use Among Rural-Urban Medicare Beneficiaries Age 85 and Older, 2010-2017
Policy Brief
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Date: 11/2022
This study examines rural-urban differences in health care use among Medicare beneficiaries age 85+. -
Factors Predicting Swing Bed Versus Skilled Nursing Facility Use
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 10/2022
This study examines differences between patients discharged to swing beds versus skilled nursing facilities, stratifying by admitting hospital type (i.e., rural Critical Access Hospital versus rural Prospective Payment System hospital). -
The Impact of Medicare Shared Savings Program Participation on Hospital Financial Performance: An Event-Study Analysis
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 10/2022
This study evaluated the extent to which Medicare Shared Savings Program participation affected hospital financial outcomes, including patient revenue, operating margin, different revenue source shares, and allowance and discount rate. -
Key Considerations for a Rural Hospital Assessing Conversion to Rural Emergency Hospital
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 10/2022
Based on findings from a literature review and consultation with practitioners, a conceptual framework and checklist were developed to organize and guide conversations about key considerations for conversion to a Rural Emergency Hospital. -
Small Rural Hospitals with Low-Volume Emergency Departments That May Convert to a Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 10/2022
This study profiles rural hospitals eligible to convert to Rural Emergency Hospitals. The objective is to characterize rural hospitals with very low emergency department volume to inform the clinical and operational decisions that will be required to implement this new provider model. -
Nursing Homes in Rural America: A Chartbook
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 07/2022
Closure of nursing homes and hospitals with swing beds in recent years has changed the availability of post-acute and long-term care services in rural areas. This study examines the availability of post-acute and long-term care services as well as characteristics of residents and nursing homes in noncore, micropolitan, and metropolitan counties. -
Types of Rural and Urban Hospitals and Counties Where They Are Located
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 07/2022
The purpose of this brief is to provide a snapshot of the types of rural and urban hospitals and the counties where they are located. -
Medicare Accountable Care Organization Characteristics Associated With Participation in 2‐Sided Risk
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2022
This study examined the associations of accountable care organization (ACO) characteristics with the likelihood of participation in 2-sided risk tracks in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Small and rural ACOs were found to be less prepared to transition into 2-sided risk tracks than their urban counterparts. -
Trends in Revenue Sources Among Rural Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 05/2022
Possible issues with existing rural hospital financing models suggest that outpatient-centric payment methods may be more effective in providing financial relief to rural hospitals. Given this, we explored the financial importance of outpatient care to rural hospitals by estimating changes in outpatient care as a source of revenue. -
Predictors of Hospital Choice Among Rural Patients Seeking Elective Surgery: A Scoping Review
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 04/2022
The purpose of this scoping review was to identify literature describing determinants of hospital choice among rural patients seeking elective surgery. -
The Economic Effects of Rural Hospital Closures
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2022
This study updates previous research (Holmes, et al. 2006) on the economic effects of rural hospital closures by measuring the economic changes over time among U.S. rural counties that had a hospital closure from 2001-2018. -
Rural Hospital Profitability During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Requires Careful Interpretation
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 03/2022
Many small rural hospitals struggle with profitability compared to their urban counterparts. The findings brief describes the pre-pandemic (2011-19) trend of rural hospital profitability and explains why possible increases in reported profitability during the pandemic (2020-21) may mask the long-term financial challenges of rural hospitals. -
Contact by Collection Agencies for Medical Debt: Rural-Urban Differences Among Older and Younger Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2022
This study uses data from the 2016 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (n = 12,688 U.S. community-dwelling beneficiaries) to understand the impact of medical debt for rural residents. The study analyzed rural-urban differences in rates of collection agency contact for unpaid medical bills. -
Quality of Home Health Agencies Serving Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2022
This policy brief describes the quality of home health agencies (HHAs) by rural-serving status. While quality of patient care star ratings were not associated with rural-serving status, rural HHAs and urban HHAs that serve rural patients had higher patient experience star ratings than urban HHAs that do not serve rural patients. -
Quality of Skilled Nursing Facilities Serving Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2022
This policy brief describes the quality of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) by rural-serving status. While overall star ratings and staffing star ratings were not associated with rural-serving status, rural SNFs and urban SNFs that serve rural patients had lower quality star ratings compared to urban SNFs that do not serve rural patients. -
Rural Hospitals That Closed Between 2017‐20: Profitability and Liquidity in the Year Before Closure
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 01/2022
This brief examines the preclosure profitability and liquidity performance of rural hospitals that closed between 2017‐20 and compare it to the median performance of rural hospitals that remained open during the same year.
2021 CMS Hospital Quality Star Ratings of Rural Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 10/2021
The purpose of this study is to 1) compare the 2021 CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating results for rural and urban hospitals, 2) to compare the 2021 and 2016 CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating results for rural hospitals, and 3) to identify implications for the usefulness of the CMS Hospital Quality Star Ratings for rural hospitals. -
Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: A National Study
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2021
Using national data from 2014, this policy brief describes geographic variation in the mix of providers caring for rural versus urban Medicare beneficiaries, the quantity of visits received by beneficiaries across Census Divisions and types of rural areas, and the distance traveled for care for several serious conditions. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2021
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2021
The RUPRI Center's annual update on Medicare Advantage (MA) shows that both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan enrollment has continued to grow for more than 10 years. However, between 2020 and 2021 the rate of growth in nonmetropolitan counties was more than twice as large as that in metropolitan counties. -
Medicare Covers a Lower Percentage of Outpatient Costs in Hospitals Located in Rural Areas
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2021
The purpose of this brief is to describe differences in Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) payments between rural and urban hospitals by Medicare payment classification and by number of acute beds. -
How Many Hospitals Might Convert to a Rural Emergency Hospital?
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 07/2021
In this study, three measures were used to predict the number of rural hospitals with 50 beds or less that are likely to consider conversion to a Rural Emergency Hospital: 1) three years negative total margin; 2) average daily census (acute + swing) less than three; and 3) net patient revenue less than $20 million. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2020
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 05/2021
This annual update on Medicare Advantage (MA) shows that both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan enrollment has continued to grow for more than 10 years. The percent of nonmetropolitan MA enrollees in Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans has increased every year since 2017. Metropolitan HMO enrollment has decreased every year since 2016. -
Medicare-Paid Naloxone: Trends in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 05/2021
Naloxone is an opioid overdose reversal medication. Medicare beneficiaries benefit from access to naloxone because they have high rates of high-dose prescription opioids. This brief examines trends in Medicare-paid naloxone dispensing rates in nonmetropolitan versus metropolitan areas from 2014 to 2018. -
Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Beneficiaries in Five States: An Update
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2021
Using data from five states, this study describes the mix of providers caring for rural Medicare beneficiaries, the quantity of care received, and how far rural beneficiaries traveled for care for several selected conditions in 2014. Results are also compared with a similar study of the same states that used data from 1998. -
Spatial Analysis of Healthcare Utilization Among Medicare Beneficiaries With Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Other Related Pneumoconiosis
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 04/2021
Miners risk developing coal workers' pneumoconiosis (black lung disease) and other pneumoconiosis. This study determines, maps, and analyzes the spatial patterns of healthcare utilization among Medicare beneficiaries with black lung disease and other related pneumoconiosis using the Medicare beneficiaries Limited Data Set from 2011-2014. -
The Effect of Medicare Payment Standardization Methods on the Perceived Cost of Post-Acute Swing Bed Care in Critical Access Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2021
The purpose of this study is to describe the effects of current Medicare payment standardization methods on the perceived cost of Critical Access Hospital swing bed care as it relates to the Medicare Spending per Beneficiary measure. -
Post-acute Care Trajectories for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Planned Versus Actual Hospital Discharges to Skilled Nursing Facilities and Home Health Agencies
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2021
This policy brief describes trajectories for rural Medicare beneficiaries following hospital discharge, including differences between planned and actual discharge to skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies. More than 40% of beneficiaries for whom home health care was indicated did not receive care from a home health agency. -
Alternatives to Hospital Closure: Findings From a National Survey of CAH Executives
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 02/2021
Despite the many challenges of operating a Critical Access Hospital (CAH), little research examines the perspectives of CAH executives on potential community healthcare options if the CAH closed. This brief provides policymakers with a better understanding of what CAH executives think about the viability of various alternatives to closure. -
Health System Challenges for Critical Access Hospitals: Findings From a National Survey of CAH Executives
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 02/2021
Despite the numerous challenges of operating a Critical Access Hospital (CAH), there is little research examining the perspectives of CAH executives on potential community healthcare options if the CAH closed. This brief presents a subset of results from a national survey of CAH executive perspectives on pressing challenges. -
High-Functioning Rural Medicare ACOs – A Qualitative Review
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 02/2021
This brief identifies common success factors among four high-performing rural Medicare Accountable Care Organizations. -
Advancing Population Health in Rural Places: Key Lessons and Policy Opportunities
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 01/2021
This paper advances policy discussion of population health in rural places, focusing on the role of rural healthcare organizations. Lessons from ongoing programs provide policy considerations. Medicare and Medicaid programs should prioritize staff and infrastructure development, flexibility in covered benefits, and further expansion of telehealth. -
Barriers to Health Care Access for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Recommendations From Rural Health Clinics
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2021
This brief presents findings from an online survey of Rural Health Clinics describing barriers for Medicare patients in accessing healthcare services and recommendations for how to improve access to care for Medicare beneficiaries in rural areas. -
Characteristics and Challenges of Rural Ambulance Agencies – A Brief Review and Policy Considerations
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 01/2021
There are 23,272 ambulance agencies in the U.S., and 73% of those agencies report serving rural areas. This paper examines current rural ambulance agency characteristics and challenges and identifies public policy considerations designed to stabilize rural ambulance agencies.
Association of CMS‐HCC Risk Scores With Health Care Utilization Among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2020
The study examines the relationship between Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hierarchical Condition Categories risk scores and future healthcare utilization among rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries. -
CMS Hierarchical Condition Category 2014 Risk Scores Are Lower for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Than for Urban Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2020
The study investigates potential differences in rural and urban Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hierarchical Condition Category risk scores by rurality, census region, and beneficiary race or ethnicity. -
Decline in Inpatient Volume at Rural Hospitals
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2020
This study examined inpatient volume in rural hospitals between 2011 and 2017. Patient population and the organizational and geographic characteristics of hospitals that were significant predictors of inpatient volume included census region, Medicare payment type, ownership type, total margin, and percent of the population in poverty. -
Rural Hospitalizations for COVID-19: Snapshot on December 10, 2020
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 12/2020
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data were analyzed to compare rural and urban hospitals on two metrics: 1) the percentage of hospitalized patients with COVID-19, and 2) the percentage of hospital beds occupied by patients that have COVID-19. -
Rural Hospitals Have Higher Percentages of Patients With COVID-19
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 12/2020
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data were analyzed to compare the percentage of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in rural versus urban hospitals. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2019
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 10/2020
The annual update on Medicare Advantage (MA) shows that both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan enrollment has continued to grow for more than 10 years. However, the rate of growth has been higher in nonmetropolitan counties for the past two years. Local Preferred Provider Organization plans account for nearly half of nonmetropolitan MA enrollment. -
A Comparison of Rural and Urban Specialty Hospitals
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2020
This brief describes key differences between specialty hospitals located in rural versus urban areas. -
Urban Hospitals With a High Percentage of Inpatient Days for Rural Patients
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2020
The purpose of this brief is to describe characteristics of urban hospitals with a high percentage of inpatient days for rural patients and to compare how they differ from urban hospitals with lower percentages of rural inpatient days. -
Comparing the Health Workforce Provider Mix and the Distance Travelled for Mental Health Services by Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2020
This study used 2014 administrative Medicare claims data to describe the mix of health professionals who care for rural and urban patients with mood and/or anxiety disorders. It further describes where these beneficiaries received care and the one-way distance (miles) and time (minutes) they travelled to receive it. -
Changes in Care-Seeking After Rural Hospitals Merge
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 07/2020
Rural hospital mergers have increased significantly since 2010. Enhanced financial performance and improved quality are often cited as benefits, but hospital mergers can also lead to changes in the services provided by acquired hospitals. This brief estimates the use of inpatient services delivered by acquired rural hospitals following a merger. -
Rural/Urban Disparities in the Utilization of Health and Behavioral Assessments/Interventions in the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 06/2020
Identifying behaviors that contribute to disease and modifying them can be an important step in treatment. This study investigated geographic disparities and the availability of Health and Behavioral Assessments and Interventions services in rural and urban areas by examining fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries in 2012-2016. -
Rural/Urban Disparities in Utilization of Diabetes Self-Management Training to the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 06/2020
Diabetes self-management training (DSMT) is recommended for all newly diagnosed patients with diabetes. However, the utilization rate of DSMT is low, and geographic disparities in availability exist. This study sought to identify the extent of the rural/urban disparity in the provision of DSMT to fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries in 2012-2016. -
Rural/Urban Disparities in Utilization of Medical Nutrition Therapy to the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 06/2020
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is important in the treatment of many chronic conditions, but the availability of MNT in rural versus urban communities has not been examined. This study sought to identify the availability of MNT in rural and urban communities by examining Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in 2012-2016. -
Differences by Rurality in Satisfaction With Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 05/2020
There are stark differences between rural and urban areas in demographic characteristics, health status, and healthcare. Yet less is known about rural‐urban differences in Medicare beneficiaries' satisfaction with care. We seek to understand rural‐urban differences in satisfaction with care for Medicare beneficiaries. -
Estimated Reduction in CAH Profitability From Loss of Cost‐Based Reimbursement for Swing Beds
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 05/2020
The purpose of this study was to estimate the impact of potential loss of cost-based reimbursement for swing beds on Critical Access Hospital (CAH) profitability and to examine the characteristics of CAHs that would be most affected by such a change in reimbursement. -
Most Rural Hospitals Have Little Cash Going Into COVID
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 05/2020
This infographic uses Medicare Cost Report data to illustrate the type of rural hospitals most likely to struggle financially during the pandemic as measured by lower median days cash on hand. -
2016-18 Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals by Medicare Payment Classification
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2020
This study compares the 2016-18 profitability of urban Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospitals to that of rural hospitals. Rural hospitals are further divided by size of rural PPS hospitals and by the rural Medicare payment classifications. -
Patterns of Hospital Bypass and Inpatient Care-Seeking by Rural Residents
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2020
Hospital bypass, the tendency of local rural residents to not seek care at their closest hospital, is thought to be a contributing factor for rural hospital closure. The purpose of this brief is to update the knowledge base of determinants of bypass behavior by analyzing state inpatient data from 2014-2016. -
Rural Hospital Participation in Medicare Accountable Care Organizations
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 04/2020
This policy brief summarizes national and regional rates of rural hospital participation in Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and identifies factors associated with ACO participation. -
Rural Hospitals With Long-Term Unprofitability
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 04/2020
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of rural hospitals that had negative total margins in 2016, 2017, and 2018. We examined net patient revenue, Medicare payment classification, region, and state for 311 rural hospitals. -
Understanding the Broader Context of Rural Hospitals and Profitability
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 04/2020
The intent of this infographic is to quantify rural hospital profitability in the broader context of all hospitals. This infographic compares the number of rural and urban hospitals and rural and urban operating revenue and operating income. -
Occupancy Rates in Rural and Urban Hospitals: Value and Limitations in Use as a Measure of Surge Capacity
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2020
The purpose of this brief is to provide healthcare leaders and policymakers with information about historic occupancy rates (the percent of available beds that are occupied) as an input for state and system-level planning to manage population health during a pandemic. -
Variation in Use of Home Health Care Among Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries by Rural-Urban Status and Geographic Region: Assessing the Potential for Unmet Need
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2020
This study describes use of home healthcare by rural-urban status and geographic region. Findings suggest geographic region drives variation more than rural-urban status. Unmet need may be highest in the most remote rural counties and rural counties within the West North Central, East North Central, Mountain, and Pacific Census Divisions. -
Health Care Use and Access Among Rural and Urban Nonelderly Adult Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2020
Little is known about the characteristics and healthcare use of rural residents with disabilities. This study compares access to and use of health services among rural and urban nonelderly Medicare beneficiaries with a disability and the factors associated with rural access issues.
Access and Capacity to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural Health Clinics
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 12/2019
Access to timely, high-quality healthcare is essential for health, but rural areas face particular barriers to access, including for primary care. We present findings from an online survey of RHCs describing clinic characteristics related to healthcare access for rural Medicare beneficiaries. -
Access to Specialty Care for Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural Communities
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 12/2019
Access to care is a challenge in many rural communities for both primary care services and specialty care services. We present findings from an online survey of Rural Health Clinics describing access issues for rural Medicare beneficiaries in seeking care from specialty care providers. -
Impact of the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Cap on Urban and Rural Hospitals
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 12/2019
The Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payment adjustment is intended to compensate hospitals serving a disproportionate number of low-income patients. This policy brief describes the number and location of urban and rural hospitals affected by a 12% payment cap established by the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Access to and Attitudes Toward Care for Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 12/2019
Access to healthcare is important to health outcomes and well-being. Even among Medicare beneficiaries, access to care may differ by rural-urban location due to differences in the healthcare and socio-demographic landscape. We describe rural-urban differences in access to care for Medicare beneficiaries. -
Cost-Sharing as a Barrier to Accessing Care at FQHCs and RHCs for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 06/2019
The purpose of this study is to investigate cost barriers to accessing care at Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics for the rural Medicare population. -
Unmet Need for Personal Care Assistance Among Rural and Urban Older Adults
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2019
This brief presents data on rural-urban differences in unmet need for personal care among older adults with functional limitations. -
2019 Wage Index Differences and Selected Characteristics of Rural and Urban Hospitals
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 05/2019
This brief characterizes rural/urban disparities in the 2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services hospital wage index by describing and comparing the wage indices of rural and urban hospitals by the number of beds, the amount of net patient revenue, and Medicare payment classification. -
Rural/Urban and Regional Variation in the 2019 CMS Hospital Wage Index
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 05/2019
This brief describes the geographic variation of the 2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services hospital wage index by rural/urban definition, census region, Frontier and Remote Area codes and state. -
Differences in Care Processes Between Community-Entry Versus Post-Acute Home Health for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2019
This study describes home healthcare processes for rural Medicare beneficiaries who are admitted from the community (community-entry) versus those who are admitted following an inpatient stay (post-acute). Care processes include timely initiation of care, length of stay, and services provided (e.g., physical therapy, medical social work). -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2018
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 04/2019
This annual report on Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment shows growth in the program in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas. The rate of metro enrollment is higher than in nonmetro areas, but the growth rate in the nonmetropolitan population is higher. There are also significant differences in metro/nonmetro MA enrollment by plan type. -
Facility-Based Ambulatory Care Provided to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries in 2014
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2019
This chartbook uses available Medicare claims data to describe facility-based (i.e., excludes private practitioners) ambulatory care provided to rural Medicare beneficiaries and includes claims, costs, and common diagnoses. -
Do Hospital Closures Affect Patient Time in an Ambulance?
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 02/2019
Our study explores how a local hospital closure changes patient time in an ambulance for 9-1-1 calls. Access to emergency department services in communities, especially rural communities, persists as a priority for the Medicare program. We found when hospitals close, rural patients requiring ambulance services are disproportionately affected. -
Long-Term Services and Supports Use Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural and Urban Areas
Journal Article
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Date: 01/2019
Analyzing the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, authors from the Maine Rural Health Research Center found that compared to their urban counterparts, rural Medicare beneficiaries had higher odds of nursing home use after controlling for beneficiary characteristics and contextual factors including nursing home bed supply.
Changes to the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System Pertinent to Small and Rural Practices, 2018
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2018
This policy brief highlights key regulatory changes to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System that occurred in 2018. It discusses the implications of these changes with an emphasis on how these changes may affect small and rural practices. -
The Rural Hospital and Health System Affiliation Landscape – A Brief Review
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2018
The shift from traditional fee-for-service to value-based payment requires major capital investment. In this paper, we examine rural hospital and health system motivations for affiliation and present a non-exhaustive list of common affiliation structures with representative examples. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Hospital Payer Mix in 2017
Fact Sheet
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2018
This work revealed that rural hospitals heavily rely on Medicare. -
Update: Rural/Urban Disparities in Pneumococcal Vaccine Service Delivery Among the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population, 2012-2015
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 11/2018
Delivery of pneumococcal vaccines to fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries increased 380% from 2014-2015 as a result of uptake of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13). However, a significant rural-urban disparity remains. Pharmacy providers delivered a significantly greater proportion of vaccines in rural versus urban counties. -
Differences in Medicare Utilization and Expenditures in the Last Six Months of Life Among Patients With and Without Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 10/2018
The purpose of this study was to examine differences in utilization of inpatient services and Medicare expenditures (overall and by category) in the last six months of life for patients with, versus those without, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. -
Spread of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations in Rural America
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2018
This policy brief describes Medicare accountable care organization (ACO) growth in non-metropolitan U.S. counties from 2016 to 2017. This brief, which includes data through December 2017, follows a similar analysis released in October 2016 that described ACO trends from 2013 to 2015. -
Average Beneficiary CMS Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Risk Scores for Rural and Urban Providers
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 07/2018
This brief investigates potential differences in urban and rural Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hierarchical condition category (HCC) risk scores at the provider's patient panel level. -
Different Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-Acute Versus Community-Entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 07/2018
This study describes differences between rural, fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries who are admitted to home health from the community (community-entry) and those who are admitted to home health following an inpatient stay (post-acute) in terms of their clinical and non-clinical characteristics as well as the communities in which they live. -
Insuring Rural America: Health Insurance Challenges and Opportunities
Policy Brief
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 07/2018
This brief discusses a series of policy considerations in three main categories: policies related to rural insurance risk, policies related to provider networks, and policies related to rural payment rates and structures. -
Organizational Attributes Associated With Medicare ACO Quality Performance
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 07/2018
Peer-reviewed paper evaluating associations between geographic, structural, and service-provision attributes of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and the ACOs' quality performance. -
Geographic Variation in Uncompensated Care Between Rural and Urban Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 06/2018
The purpose of this brief is to compare uncompensated care in rural and urban hospitals and to describe how it varies across regions of the country. -
Service Provision and Quality Outcomes in Home Health for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries at High Risk for Unplanned Care
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2018
This study examined service provision and quality outcomes among rural Medicare beneficiaries who used home health from 2011-2013 and were at high risk for unplanned care. More skilled nursing visits and visits by more types of providers were associated with higher hospital readmission and emergency department use and lower community discharge. -
Organizational Attributes With Medicare ACO Quality Performance
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2018
Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations' (ACOs') quality performance found rural ACOs' score was comparable to those in other categories. ACOs with hospital-system sponsorship, larger beneficiary panels, and higher post-hospitalization follow-up rates had better performance. -
Critical Access Hospital Swing-Bed Quality Measures: Findings From Key Informant Interviews
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2018
This study examines how Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) are currently assessing the quality of care provided to their swing-bed patients. -
Market Characteristics Associated With Rural Hospitals' Provision of Post-Acute Care
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2018
This brief uses data from Medicare cost reports, the Provider of Services File, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide a window into current hospital-based post-acute care offerings by summarizing both hospital- and market-level factors that are associated with rural hospitals that provided post-acute care between 2012 and 2015. -
Rural and Urban Provider Market Share of Inpatient Post-Acute Care Services Provided to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2018
The purpose of this brief is to characterize rural providers' market share of inpatient post-acute care services provided to rural Medicare beneficiaries. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Costs of End-of-Life Care for the Last 6 Months of Life Among Patients With Breast, Lung, or Colorectal Cancer
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 04/2018
Our findings indicate that Medicare expenditures are lower for rural beneficiaries with each type of cancer than urban beneficiaries, even after adjusting for age, gender, race, dual eligibility, region, chronic conditions, and type of service utilization. -
Medicare Accountable Care Organization Growth in Rural America, 2014-2016
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 03/2018
This RUPRI Center data report describes Medicare accountable care organization (ACO) growth in non-metropolitan U.S. counties from 2014 to 2016. ACOs are the most widespread of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) value-based payment programs and demonstrations. -
Rural/Urban Disparities in Pneumococcal Vaccine Service Delivery Among the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 02/2018
Using 2014 Medicare data, we found a significant disparity in pneumococcal vaccine service delivery to fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries. Although primary care providers delivered the majority of pneumococcal vaccines to this population, pharmacy providers delivered a significantly greater proportion of vaccines in rural versus urban counties.
Differences in Community Characteristics of Sole Community Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 11/2017
The purpose of this brief is to present a snapshot of Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs) and the communities served by them in 2015 (cross-sectional analysis), and identify some trends in selected SCH and community characteristics between 2006 and 2015 (longitudinal analysis). -
Gender and Geographic Differences in Medicare Service Utilization During the Last Six Months of Life
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2017
End-of-life issues are important for senior women, particularly rural women, who are more likely than their urban counterparts to live alone. The role of residence has yet to be investigated. The purpose of this study is to examine whether service utilization in the last six months of life differs across gender and rurality. -
Supply-Side Differences Only Modestly Associated With Inpatient Hospitalizations Among Medicare Beneficiaries in the Last Six Months of Life
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2017
This study examined rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries and inpatient hospitalizations during their last six months of life. The study concluded that care at the end of life is much the same for rural and urban Medicare decedents. -
Who Performs Colonoscopy? Workforce Trends Over Space and Time
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2017
Using data from South Carolina from 2001-2010, this study looked at changes in the types of facilities doing colonoscopies as well as the any changes in who is performing them. -
Ambulance Services for Medicare Beneficiaries: State Differences in Usage, 2012-2014
Policy Brief
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Date: 10/2017
Ambulance services are at risk of scaling back or dissolving in some places. We analyzed Medicare beneficiaries' use of ambulance services across the U.S. Improved understanding of how beneficiaries, most of whom are elderly, use these services provides vital information for policymakers who set rules and regulations about access to the services. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Medicare Quality Outcomes and the Impact of Risk Adjustment
Journal Article
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2017
This study examined the differences in quality of care outcomes between rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries. It concluded that rurality should be considered when discussing risk-adjustment procedures. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Medicare Quality Scores Persist After Adjusting for Sociodemographic and Environmental Characteristics
Journal Article
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 09/2017
Patient sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, race, gender, income, and education, can affect health outcomes and healthcare providers' performance on quality measures. The discussion about how to tackle these issues around quality measurement haven't included rurality, but this study examines it. -
Rural-Urban Variations in Medicare Live Discharge Patterns From Hospice, 2012-2013
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2017
This brief 1) provides an overview of the geographic distribution of "freestanding" (i.e., rather than those co-located in a hospital, home health agency, or skilled nursing facility) rural and urban hospices and, 2) explores live discharge rates for hospices operating in rural versus urban areas. -
Differences in Medicare Service Use in the Last Six Months of Life Among Rural and Urban Dual – Eligible Beneficiaries
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 08/2017
In this brief, we compare rural and urban dual-eligible beneficiaries to Medicare-only beneficiaries in their service utilization in the last six months of life. Within rural beneficiaries, we further explore differences associated with race/ethnicity. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2017
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2017
Reports on the percentage of rural Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans and other prepaid enrollment plans. Compares national and rural MA enrollment, and variability by state. -
Rural-Urban Differences in Medicare Service Use in the Last Six Months of Life
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 08/2017
This brief focuses on the current status of healthcare use during the last six months of life among Medicare beneficiaries. We used data from a sample of Medicare beneficiary claims to assess whether service utilization differed between rural and urban decedents and across decedents of different race/ethnicity categories. -
Transitions in Care Among Rural Residents With Congestive Heart Failure, Acute Myocardial Infarction, and Pneumonia
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 08/2017
Rural and urban hospitals vary with regard to the levels of care they are able to provide, requiring that a subset of patients be transferred from the first point of encounter to a second facility. The degree to which inter-hospital transfers occur, and the outcomes for transfer patients, have not been studied across rural and urban institutions. -
The Financial Importance of Medicare Post-Acute and Hospice Care to Rural Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 07/2017
This brief describes Medicare post-acute and hospice care provided by hospitals in rural areas by characterizing the variation in the number of rural hospitals that provide PAC and hospice care, the average amount of Medicare revenue rural hospitals receive for these services, and the financial importance of PAC and hospice care to rural hospitals. -
A Positive Association Between Hospice Profit Margin and the Rate at Which Patients Are Discharged Before Death
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 07/2017
The links between the increasing live discharge rate from hospice and the quality of care is examined. -
The Relationship Between Rural Health Clinic Use and Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 07/2017
Uses 2007-2010 Medicare data to examine the relationship between Rural Health Clinic (RHC) use and potentially preventable hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits. RHC use was associated with an increase in both preventable hospitalizations and ED visits among all Medicare enrollees, regardless of their reason for eligibility. -
CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating: For 762 Rural Hospitals, No Stars Is the Problem
Policy Brief
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 06/2017
The purpose of this brief is to look more closely at the characteristics of rural hospitals with and without CMS Hospital Quality Star Ratings to help inform ongoing discussions about the usefulness of the quality star rating for comparing hospital quality and possible ways to improve the star rating initiative.
Medicare Accountable Care Organizations: Quality Performance by Geographic Categories
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2016
Provides an analysis of the differences in Accountable Care Organization (ACO) performance on the quality measures among the Medicare Shared Saving Program ACOs with varying levels of rural presence. Findings suggest that ACOs with significant rural presence have performed as well as, if not better than, urban ACOs in delivering quality care. -
Community Factors and Outcomes of Home Health Care for High-Risk Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2016
Outcomes of care vary by region of the country for rural Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health services for high-risk conditions such as heart failure. Those in the East South Central and West South Central Census Divisions had lower rates of community discharge and higher rates of hospital readmission and emergency department use. -
Spread of Accountable Care Organizations in Rural America
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 10/2016
This brief updates a RUPRI Center analysis of the presence of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) in rural areas of the US in 2013. Using participation data through 2015, the current brief finds that there has been broad growth in the number of places where ACO participating providers can be found, including rural locations. -
Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update 2016
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 09/2016
This annual brief examines Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment data from March 2015 and March 2016. It shows that enrollment in MA and other prepaid plans increased, both nationally and in non-metropolitan areas, but the rate of growth has slowed compared to previous years. -
Financial Performance of Rural Medicare ACOs
Journal Article
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2016
Assesses the financial performances of rural accountable care organizations (ACOs) based on different levels of rural presence. -
Ambulatory Care-Sensitive Condition Hospitalizations Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 06/2016
Examines the relationship between the distribution of primary care physicians and Medicare beneficiaries' ambulatory care-sensitive condition hospitalizations using statistical and spatial analyses. -
Characteristics of Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Use Rural Health Clinics
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 05/2016
The RHC role varies by state. While we don't have an understanding of what this looks like for each state, we can see that RHCs are an important provider for Medicaid beneficiaries. One of the most important differences is by age groups. All states tend to cater RHC services toward children, with a minimum of 39% of the RHC population < 18. -
Identifying Rural Health Clinics in Medicaid Data
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 05/2016
Identifying Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) in Medicaid claims across states is challenging, but this brief recommends methods for identifying the majority of these claims in four states. -
Medicare Costs and Utilization Among Beneficiaries in Rural Areas
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2016
This study assesses the relationship between service utilization patterns and costs for rural Medicare beneficiaries across the rural continuum. It also examines the relationships between rural beneficiaries' service utilization and healthcare delivery market structure and evaluates strategies and policies to address high costs in rural areas. -
Access to Rural Home Health Services: Views From the Field
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 02/2016
Access to home health care can be challenging for rural Medicare clients. Key informants for this study detailed obstacles, including financial, regulatory, workforce, and geographic issues. Rural communities will likely benefit from payment reforms that reward quality services while providing incentives to use best practices in home health care. -
Rural Medicare Advantage Plan Payment in 2015
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2016
Payment to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans was fundamentally altered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA). This brief finds that while plans operating in both rural and urban areas have experienced a reduction in MA payment, the reduction in rural payment overall has been less significant.
Estimated Costs of Rural Freestanding Emergency Departments
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 11/2015
A rural freestanding emergency department (RFED) is one potential model for providing emergency services in areas where hospitals have closed. The North Carolina Rural Health Research Program's Findings Brief, Estimated Costs of Rural Freestanding Emergency Departments explains the RFED concept and estimates RFED costs in three scenarios. -
Medicare Value-Based Payment Reform: Priorities for Transforming Rural Health Systems
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 11/2015
As Medicare moves to value-based payment, healthcare groups are made more accountable for patient health. But the changes have been concentrated in urban areas. Policies meant to strengthen rural health systems are complicating payment and delivery system reform in rural areas. This study examines ways to include rural areas in the changes. -
Rural Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Spend More Out-of-Pocket Than Their Urban Counterparts
Policy Brief
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Date: 11/2015
Most beneficiaries seek added coverage to close the gap between the care they need and the costs covered by Medicare. This study evaluated rural-urban differences in out-of-pocket spending, supplemental coverage, and variation in spending by type of service. -
Which Rural and Urban Hospitals Have Received Readmission Penalties Over Time?
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2015
The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program reduces Medicare payments for hospitals with excess rates of patient readmissions for certain conditions. It assesses rural/urban differences in the proportion of hospitals penalized under the program over time and whether condition-specific hospital readmission rates differ for rural/urban hospitals. -
Post-Discharge Rehabilitation Care Delivery for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Stroke
Policy Brief
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 09/2015
Provision/type of post-discharge rehab care (PDRC) received by stroke survivors by rurality and race/ethnicity are examined as are the distances between their homes and the discharge hospitals related to the type of PDRC recommended. The brief also looks at whether factors such as initial hospital admission relate to the PDRC provision/type. -
Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Have Fewer Follow-Up Visits and Greater Emergency Department Use Post-Discharge
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2015
Compares rates of post hospital discharge care among Medicare beneficiaries in rural and urban settings. Discusses the effect on policies for follow-up care and readmission penalties. -
Thirty-Day Readmission Rates Among Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 08/2015
Examines readmission rates and factors affecting readmission of patients eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual-eligibility). -
Minimum Distance Requirements Could Harm High-Performing CAHs and Rural Communities
Journal Article
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center, University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2015
Compares the effect of location on critical access hospitals' size, quality of care, and financial strength. Discusses implications of minimum distance requirements on critical access hospitals. -
Poorer Quality Outcomes of Medicare-Certified Home Health Care in Areas With High Levels of Native American/Alaska Native Residents
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 04/2015
Examines CMS quality indicators in home healthcare to determine disparities in rural areas with high population of Native American or Alaska Natives. -
Do Current Medicare Rural Hospital Payment Systems Align With Cost Determinants?
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 02/2015
To inform policy discussions on how complex current payment models may affect rural hospitals, the North Carolina Rural Health Research Program studied differences in financial condition among rural hospitals and important determinants of differences in rural hospital costs. -
2014: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2015
Rural Medicare Advantage (MA) and other prepaid plan enrollment in March 2014 was about 1.95 million, an increase of more than 216,000 from March 2013. Enrollment increased to 1.99 million in October 2014. Rural and urban enrollment increased despite reductions in payment and the conclusion of the MA bonus payment demonstration at 2014's end.
Rural-Urban Differences in Continuity of Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2014
In response to the ACA and other reforms in the healthcare market, new care models are being tested and implemented. To addresses concerns that healthcare in rural areas may be more fractured and thus a difficult place for the models to succeed, we measured continuity of care using detailed data on a sample of Medicare beneficiaries from 2000-2009. -
Characteristics, Utilization Patterns, and Expenditures of Rural Dual Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries
Policy Brief
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2014
This study analyzes the rural-urban differences regarding dual eligible beneficiaries and their races, regions of residence, patterns of utilizing health services, and Medicare expenditures. -
Intensity of Service Provision for Medicare Beneficiaries Utilizing Home Health Services: A Closer Look at Cerebrovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Joint Replacement
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2014
This report details the impact of home health services provided to the rural elderly receiving Medicare by the number of visits, the use of rehabilitation specialists, and the median payment per each claim. -
Does Rurality Affect Observation Care Services Use in CAHs for Medicare Beneficiaries?
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2014
This brief describes the use of observation services across levels of rurality by Medicare beneficiaries in critical access hospitals, the demographics and health status of patients receiving these services, and the characteristics of their observation stays. -
Observation Care Services for Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural Hospitals: Policy Issues and Stakeholder Perspectives
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2014
This brief describes the findings of a qualitative study aimed at gaining a greater understanding of the rural policy context surrounding the use of observation care services by Medicare beneficiaries from 2010 to 2013. -
The Effect of Medicare Payment Policy Changes on Rural Primary Care Practice Revenue
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 07/2014
This policy brief describes the impact of recent Medicare payment updates to the Geographic Practice Cost Indices portion of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule on rural primary care providers' practice revenue from Medicare. -
Which Medicare Patients Are Transferred From Rural Emergency Departments?
Policy Brief
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2014
A brief from the University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center analyzes transfers of Medicare beneficiaries who received emergency care in a critical access hospitals or rural hospitals and were transferred to other hospitals for care. -
Medicare Accountable Care Organizations: Program Eligibility, Beneficiary Assignment, and Quality Measures
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 04/2014
This brief discusses Medicare Shared Savings Program eligibility, participation requirements, and quality measures relative to accountable care organization formation.
Rural/Urban Differences in Inpatient Related Costs and Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 12/2013
Medicare beneficiaries who are admitted to rural hospitals tend to have lower outpatient costs than their counterparts at urban hospitals. The differences are due to multiple factors. The analysis suggests that consideration of the total cost of an acute episode of care might be considered, not just the cost of the acute inpatient stay. -
Geographic Variation in the Profitability of Critical Access Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2013
This study describes geographic variation in the profitability of Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in 2012 to understand some of the regional differences in the potential effects of implementing policy proposals impacting CAHs. -
March 2013: Medicare Advantage Update
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 09/2013
This policy brief discusses current rural Medicare Advantage enrollment data. -
Profitability of Rural Hospitals
Policy Brief
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 08/2013
This study compares the profitability between 2010 and 2012 of urban and rural hospitals paid under the Medicare Prospective Payment System (U-PPS and R-PPS, respectively) to rural hospitals with special Medicare payment provisions. -
Accountable Care Organizations in Rural America
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 07/2013
This policy brief reports that Medicare Accountable Care Organizations currently operate in 16.7% of all U.S. non-metropolitan counties. -
September 2012: Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 04/2013
This policy brief discusses current rural Medicare Advantage enrollment data. -
Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Clinic & Medicare Patient Characteristics
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2013
This brief presents a summary of the geographic distribution and clinic-level characteristics of rural health clinics, as well as an overview of the Medicare beneficiaries they served. -
June 2012: Rural MA Enrollment and Premium Update
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 02/2013
Though 2012 Medicare Advantage enrollment grew and premiums declined, rural enrollees faced higher premiums than urban enrollees. Analysis of the zero premiums by plan in relationship to plans charging premiums gives insights into the MA marketplace.
Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Medicare Payments & Common Diagnoses: Review of 2009 Medicare Outpatient Claims Data
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2012
Using data extracted from 2009 Medicare outpatient provider claims, this brief presents a summary profile of Medicare billing and reimbursement activity for independent and provider-based RHCs. -
Communities Served by Rural Medicare Dependent Hospitals
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 03/2012
This findings brief explores the potential consequences of termination of the Medicare Dependent Hospitals (MDHs) program by comparing MDHs to rural prospective payment system hospitals in terms of utilization and the characteristics of the communities they serve. -
Lower Rehospitalization Rates Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Diabetes
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 2012
Evaluates 30-day readmission rates of Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes in rural areas. -
Missing the Handoff: Post-Hospitalization Follow-up Care Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Diabetes
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 2012
Analyzes urban and rural differences in post-discharge physician follow-up care using data from 2005 Medicare claims files.
Effect of Swing Bed Use on Medicare Average Daily Cost and Reimbursement in Critical Access Hospitals
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2011
This analysis estimates the average net cost to Medicare of a SNF swing day by simulating the elimination of all Medicare SNF swing bed days in CAHs in 2009. -
Rural Medicare Advantage 2011: Enrollment Trends and Plan Characteristics
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 10/2011
This paper reports findings from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data analysis to examine the trends/geographic variations in Medicare Advantage (MA) plan enrollment, premiums, and market concentration by firm. The data provide an overview of the MA program in rural America and highlight key rural/urban differences within the program. -
The High Performance Rural Health Care System of the Future
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 09/2011
This project describes a future rural system that would be built on foundations of affordability, accessibility, community focus, high quality, and patient centeredness. -
June 2011: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 09/2011
This brief shows increases in enrollment into Medicare Advantage plans in rural America. The enrollment is concentrated in plans offered by three firms, especially in the types of plans with high rural enrollment, which are preferred provider organizations and private fee-for-service plans. -
Trends in Skilled Nursing Facility and Swing Bed Use in Rural Areas Following the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (Findings Brief)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 08/2011
This findings brief looks at whether the availability of post-acute skilled care stabilized and how and where is it being provided today now that the reimbursement policy changes begun in the late 1990s have been fully implemented. -
March 2011: Growth in PPOs Dominates the Rural MA Market in 2011
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 04/2011
From March 2010 to March 2011, rural Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment in preferred provider organization (PPO) plans grew from 28% (396,006 enrollees) to 46% (702,315 enrollees) of total enrollment, while rural MA enrollment in private-fee-for-service plans fell from 38% (530,678 enrollees) to 16% (249,499 enrollees). -
Trends in Skilled Nursing Facility and Swing Bed Use in Rural Areas Following the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (Final Report)
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Date: 04/2011
This report provides descriptive evidence on current trends in the availability and use of swing beds and skilled nursing facility services in rural areas. -
Medicare Beneficiary Access to Primary Care Physicians -- Better in Rural, but Still Worrisome
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2011
In this policy brief, results from a large national physician survey are used to assess U.S. primary care physician and general surgeon willingness to accept Medicare patients and physician-reported reasons for not accepting Medicare patients.
September 2010: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Update
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2010
Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans grew to nearly 1.5 million enrollees in September 2010 (15% of eligible Medicare beneficiaries), while national MA enrollment grew to more than 11.5 million (25%). Rural Medicare beneficiaries will find fewer options for MA health insurance coverage in 2011. -
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Impacts on Rural People, Places, and Providers: A First Look
RUPRI Health Panel: Rural Policy Analysis and Applications
Date: 09/2010
This report summarizes six issue areas of the Affordable Care Act and discusses implications for access to services and improving the health status of rural residents. The issue areas are health insurance coverage; Medicare and Medicaid payment; quality, financing, and delivery system reform; public health; healthcare workforce; and long-term care. -
Profitability of Rural Hospitals Paid Under Prospective Payment Compared to Rural Hospitals With Special Medicare Payment Provisions (Findings Brief)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2010
This study compares the profitability of urban/rural hospitals paid under PPS (U-PPS and R-PPS, respectively) to rural hospitals with special Medicare payment provisions between 2007 and 2009. -
A Comparison of Rural Hospitals With Special Medicare Payment Provisions to Urban and Rural Hospitals Paid Under Prospective Payment (Final Report)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 08/2010
This final report compares the financial performance and condition of rural hospitals with special Medicare payment provisions to urban and rural hospitals paid under prospective payment (UPPS and R-PPS hospitals, respectively). Nine ratios from the three most common categories of ratios used in financial statement analysis (profitability, liquidity, and capital structure) as well as four other ratios that are commonly used to evaluate rural hospital financial performance are assessed. -
The Medicare Physician Quality Reporting Initiative: Implications for Rural Physicians (Final Report)
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 08/2010
This report discusses the impact of rurality on office-based physicians' participation in the 2007 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI). PQRI offers a financial incentive to physicians and other eligible professionals who successfully report quality measures related to services provided under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. -
The Medicare Physician Quality Reporting Initiative: Implications for Rural Physicians (Policy Brief)
Policy Brief
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 08/2010
Rural practices may be at a disadvantage with respect to participating in the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative, not necessarily because of their geographic location, but because they tend to be smaller and have fewer resources and a less developed quality measurement infrastructure. -
Rural Medicare Advantage: Modest Enrollment Growth in 2010
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2010
Despite a slight drop in enrollment and a dramatic shift in the landscape of the rural Medicare Advantage (MA) market in early 2010, MA plans have experienced modest growth in enrollment in rural areas during the last two quarters of 2010. The majority of the growth is concentrated in preferred provider organization plans. -
Alternatives to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System: Assessing the Impact on Rural Hospitals
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 04/2010
The purpose of this policy brief is to explore alternatives to the outpatient prospective system and how these options would affect rural hospitals. -
A Financial Comparison of Rural Hospitals With Special Medicare Payment Provisions to Hospitals Paid Under Prospective Payment (Findings Brief)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2010
This brief compares the profitability of hospitals in the four classifications of rural hospitals that can qualify for special payment provisions under Medicare (critical access, Medicare-dependent, and sole community hospitals and rural referral centers) to urban and rural hospitals paid under prospective payment during a recent three-year period. -
States' Use of Cost-Based Reimbursement for Medicaid Services at Critical Access Hospitals
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 04/2010
This brief documents which states utilize a cost-based reimbursement methodology for Medicaid. -
February 2010: A Dramatic Shift Away From Private Fee-for-Service Plans in Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 03/2010
Private fee-for-service (PFFS) enrollment fell in rural areas in early 2010. As a result, Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment in rural areas fell. Nationwide, enrollment in preferred provider organization and health maintenance organization plans grew, offsetting the decline in PFFS enrollment and contributing to growth in total MA enrollment. -
December 2009: Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment Grows 15% in 2009
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2010
Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) and other prepaid plans grew by 15% from December 2008 to December 2009. Preferred provider organization plans drove the increased enrollment in MA plans in rural areas in 2009, while private fee-for-service plans continued to dominate the market with over 50% of enrollment.
Rural Primary Care Physician Payment 2006-2009: What a Difference Three Years Doesn't Make
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2009
The analysis in this brief shows the impact of Medicare's Evaluation and Management (E&M) service valuation adjustment (implemented January 1, 2007) on two prototypical primary care practices—one providing only E&M services and the other providing a mix of procedures and E&M services. -
July 2009: Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Continues to Grow
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2009
Rural enrollment in Medicare Advantage continues to increase, with growth in the last 18 months led by the growth of preferred provider organization (PPO) plans. Despite the growth in PPO plans, private fee-for-service plans continue to dominate enrollment in rural areas and have accounted for much of the program's growth since 2005. -
May 2009: PPOs Driving Growth in Rural Medicare Advantage Enrollment
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2009
Rural Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment had rapid growth in preferred provider organization (PPO) plans and a decline in the growth rate of private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans. MA enrollment has continued to climb, but it has been impacted by the slowed rate of growth in PFFS plans, which cover more than half of MA enrollees in rural areas. -
Rural Issues Related to Bundled Payments for Acute Care Episodes
Policy Brief
Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Date: 06/2009
Bundling Medicare payments has been proposed as a way of encouraging providers to find innovative, cost-reducing strategies to provide better coordinated care. This brief describes challenges to implementing bundled payments in rural settings and discusses potential contracting and reimbursement strategies to address the challenges. -
Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage: Growth Slows in 2008
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 03/2009
The rate of growth of enrollment in the Medicare Advantage program decreased significantly in 2008, compared to previous years. The growth rate in preferred provider organization plans in rural areas now exceeds that in private fee-for-service plans. This updates earlier findings from analysis of the MA program reported by the RUPRI Center. -
Medicare Beneficiaries' Access to Pharmacy Services in Small Rural Towns: Implications of Contracting Patterns of Sole Community Pharmacies With Part D Plans
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 01/2009
This report describes the contracting patterns of sole rural community pharmacies to assess the extent to which each pharmacy contracts with the most commonly used PDPs available in their state.
Eligible but Not Enrolled? Potential for Targeting Over a Half-Million Rural Medicare Beneficiaries for Enrollment in the Low-Income Subsidy Prescription Drug Program
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 12/2008
Medicare Part D low-income supplement (LIS) is designed to help low-income persons access prescription drugs with reduced premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs. Despite efforts to enroll as many eligible persons as possible, many Medicare beneficiaries are estimated to be eligible for but not enrolled in the LIS program. -
Medicare Physician Payment Policy and the Rural Perspective (Final Report)
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2008
The RUPRI Center has examined the effects of Medicare payment changes on rural physician practice revenue. We infer that changes to practice revenue potentially affect physician decisions regarding rural practice. This report presents the results of the center's work and provides a framework for understanding this continuing policy question. -
Rural Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Continues to Grow Rapidly in 2008, Led by Private Fee-for-Service Plans
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2008
Enrollment of rural beneficiaries into Medicare Advantage (MA) plans has more than quadrupled since the inception of the MA program in 2006 and increased 35% in the last year. However, the enrollment rate in rural areas remains well below the national enrollment rate. This policy brief shows enrollment in the MA program in rural areas.
Medicare Physician Payment: Impacts of Changes on Rural Physicians
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 09/2006
This policy brief provides an overview of the effects of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 on physician payment rates in rural areas. The brief discusses the effects of the Medicare incentive payment for providing services in shortage areas and of the bonus for practicing in a physician scarcity area. -
A Primer on the Occupational Mix Adjustment to the Medicare Hospital Wage Index
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2006
This paper focuses on the occupational mix adjustment (OMA) to the labor-related share in the hospital inpatient prospective payment system. The primer explains what the OMA is, why it is needed, and how it has been calculated. In addition, reasons why the effect of the OMA has been less than some rural advocates anticipated are discussed. -
Performance of Rural and Urban Home Health Agencies in Improving Patient Outcomes
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 05/2006
This study was conducted to determine whether rural and urban home care agencies differ in terms of patient care outcomes and to ascertain whether there are agency characteristics that are associated with better or worse outcomes.
Trends in Skilled Nursing and Swing-Bed Use in Rural Areas, 1996-2003
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 12/2005
This paper examines trends in the delivery of skilled nursing facility (SNF) services in rural areas during a time of dramatic change in Medicare payments for acute and post-acute care. It focuses on the role of rural hospitals in providing SNF services as they respond to the new reimbursement environment. -
Assessing the Financial Effect of Medicare Payment on Rural Hospitals: Does the Source of Data Change the Results?
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 11/2005
This policy brief explores how predictions of changes in hospital financial performance differ when comparing results using data from the Medicare Cost Report (MCR) to data from the audited hospital financial statement (FS). Results indicate that using the MCR rather than FS data is more valid. -
Barriers Associated With the Delivery of Medicare Reimbursed Diabetes Self-Management Education
Journal Article
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 11/2005
Explores the barriers that practitioners face in providing diabetes self-management education to Medicare beneficiaries. Barriers identified for rural providers include costs, the shortage of designated specialists, fewer resources, amount of Medicare reimbursement, transportation and more. -
Revisions to Medicare's Disproportionate Share Payment Policy to Incorporate Bad Debt and Charity Care
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 09/2005
This report investigates the impact of possible changes to the Medicare disproportionate share payment policy, designed to incorporate information on the hospital's uncompensated care burden as well as to improve the payment formulae. -
Geographic Access to Health Care for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 04/2005
This study looked at where Medicare beneficiaries from five states obtain their care, how far they travel for that care, and the mix of physician specialties from whom they obtain their ambulatory care. -
Home Health Payment Reform: Trends in the Supply of Rural Agencies and Availability of Home-Based Skilled Services
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 03/2005
Findings from this study suggest that changes in home health reimbursement were associated with dramatic reductions in the supply of home care agencies; however those reductions appear to have occurred primarily during the time in which the Interim Payment System was in place. -
Rural Implications of Medicare's Post-Acute-Care Transfer Payment Policy
Journal Article
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 2005
Examines how the initial policy change affected rural and urban hospitals and investigates the likely impact of the FY2004 expansion and other possible future expansions. The authors conclude that rural hospitals are not disproportionately harmed by the post-acute-care transfer policy. -
Understanding the Impacts of the Medicare Modernization Act: Concerns of Congressional Staff
Journal Article
Maine Rural Health Research Center, RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis, Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Date: 2005
The most efficient mechanism for research to affect policy is to provide policy makers with information on issues about which they have voiced concern. The Rural Policy Research Institute's Health Panel conducted 2 focus groups with 16 congressional staff in 2004 to identify a set of researchable questions concerning rural healthcare.
Assessment of Barriers to the Delivery of Medicare Reimbursed Diabetes Self-Management Education in Rural Areas
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Date: 09/2004
This report explores the barriers that rural practitioners face in providing diabetes education services to Medicare beneficiaries. -
Rural Perspective Regarding Regulations Implementing Titles I and II of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA)
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis, RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2004
This policy paper provides, in chart form, sections of the MMA that were identified as having special concern to rural Medicare beneficiaries, medical care providers, and policy makers. -
Rural Physicians' Acceptance of New Medicare Patients
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2004
Findings are presented regarding rural physicians' acceptance of new Medicare patients from an analyses of national survey data of urban and rural respondents, published studies, and results of a survey of state organizations representing physicians. -
Exploring the Impact of Medicare's Post-Acute Care Transfer Payment Policy on Rural Hospitals
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 07/2004
This policy analysis brief describes a change in Medicare post-acute transfer payment policy and its impact on rural and urban hospitals. It includes data on the financial impact and hospital discharge behavior before and after the change. -
Rural Implications of Medicare's Post-Acute Care Transfer Payment Policy
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 06/2004
This study examines the behavioral and financial impacts of the initial 10-DRG policy and projects the likely financial impact of extending the policy to cover additional DRGs or discharges to swing beds. -
An Analysis of the Agreement of Financial Data Between the Medicare Cost Report and the Audited Hospital Financial Statement
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2004
Few studies have examined the discrepancies between the Medicare Cost Report (MCR) and the audited hospital financial statement (FS). Findings from this study, which focused on the MCR and FS for rural hospitals, suggest that relying on a single source of financial data to assess the financial performance of rural hospitals may be inappropriate. -
Do Rural Elders Have Limited Access to Medicare Hospice Services?
Journal Article
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center, Upper Midwest Rural Health Research Center
Date: 05/2004
Examines whether there are urban-rural differences in use of the Medicare hospice benefit before death and whether those differences suggest that there is a problem with access to hospice care for rural Medicare beneficiaries. -
An Analysis of Medicare's Incentive Payment Program for Physicians in Health Professional Shortage Areas
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2004
The Medicare Incentive Payment program provides a 10 percent bonus payment to physicians who treat patients in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Results show that physicians eligible for the bonus payments often did not claim them, and physicians who likely did not work in approved HPSA sites, claimed the bonus payments and received them. -
Core Based Statistical Areas and the Medicare Wage Index
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 02/2004
This document discusses the potential impact of the 2003 Office of Management and Budget statistical area standards on the hospital wage index and Medicare payments to rural providers. Additionally, three other options for defining labor markets using the 2003 classifications are presented. -
Medicare Home Health Care in Rural America
Policy Brief
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 01/2004
This study looked at the characteristics of rural Medicare beneficiaries served by urban home health agencies as compared with those served by rural agencies. -
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, (P.L. 108-173): A Summary of Provisions Important to Rural Health Care Delivery
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2004
This paper provides a wide audience of rural health policy makers, advocates, and researchers a consolidated summary of legislative provisions contained in Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-173) that have particular meaning to the delivery of services in rural areas. -
Rural-Urban Issues in the Wage Index Adjustment for Prospective Payment in Skilled Nursing Facilities (Brief Report)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 01/2004
Hourly wage data from Medicare-participating nursing homes were used to examine urban/rural patterns in average hourly nursing home wages and wage variation within the statewide rural labor markets defined by CMS. The data were also used to examine the adequacy of the hospital wage index as an adjuster for skilled nursing facility rates.
Rural-Urban Issues in the Wage Index Adjustment for Prospective Payment in Skilled Nursing Facilities (Full Report)
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 11/2003
Hourly wage data collected were used to examine urban/rural patterns in average hourly nursing home wages and pattern variation within the statewide rural labor markets. The data were also used to examine the adequacy of the hospital wage index as an adjuster for skilled nursing facility rates. -
Are There Geographic Disparities in Out-of-Pocket Spending by Medicare Beneficiaries?
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2003
This paper describes a study comparing out-of-pocket spending among rural and urban Medicare recipients. It includes data on differences based on supplemental insurance coverage. -
Availability and Use of Health Plan Choices in Rural America: Medicare+Choice, Commercial HMO, and Federal Employees Health Benefit Program Plans
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 10/2003
This report discusses the availability of Medicare + Choice (M+C), commercial HMO, and Federal Employee Health Benefit Program insurance plans and the potential impact of M+C service delivery area changes on healthcare access in rural areas. -
Medicare Physician Payment: Practice Expense
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 10/2003
This rural policy brief examines the physician practice expense component of Medicare payment, which proportionately results in greater geographic physician payment variation than does the physician work payment. The practice expense adjustment warrants careful validation to demonstrate that the index measures actual geographic cost differences. -
Medicare Issues
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2003
This document provides an overview of rural policy issues related to Medicare. The presentation was made August 26, 2003 in Casper, Wyoming. -
Enrollment in FEHBP Plans in Rural America: What Are the Implications for Medicare Reform?
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2003
This brief explains how the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) is functioning in rural areas. Enrollment patterns into the various options available in the FEHBP, descriptions of choices typically available in rural areas, and location of primary care providers used by plans in a sample of rural communities is presented. -
Medicare Home Health Care in Rural America (Full Report)
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 06/2003
This study looked at the characteristics of rural Medicare beneficiaries served by urban home health agencies as compared with those served by rural agencies. -
Rural Beneficiaries' Projected Drug Coverage Under Three Medicare Prescription Drug Proposals
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 06/2003
This study estimates the expected increase in urban and rural Medicare beneficiaries eligible for drug coverage under three Medicare prescription drug proposals. It also gives an estimate of the urban and rural per capita federal payments for drug coverage under the proposals. -
Enrollment in FEHBP Plans in Rural Areas
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2003
This study of health plan enrollment decisions made by rural retirees and federal workers examines how a Federal Employees Health Benefit Program plan may work when applied to Medicare. -
Enrollment in the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP): State and County-Level Enrollment Analysis
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2003
This analysis details information on Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) enrollment in rural counties, including the number of health insurance plans available and number of enrollees. FEHBP is being considered as a model for involving private insurers in Medicare. -
Analysis of Availability of Medicare+Choice, Commercial HMO, and FEHBP Plans in Rural Areas: Implications for Medicare Reform
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 03/2003
This rural policy brief examines the viability of introducing private competition into the Medicare program. It discusses the availability of Medicare+Choice1, commercial HMO, and Federal Employees Health Benefits Program plans in rural (nonmetropolitan) counties. -
Rural Health Research in Progress in the Rural Health Research Centers Program, 7th edition
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Date: 03/2003
This book provides policy makers with a concise source of rural health services research underway in the Rural Health Research Centers funded by the Office of Rural Health Policy. It provides a context for legislation current and proposed that affects rural health services and populations. -
An Assessment of Proposals for a Medicare Outpatient Prescription Drug Benefit: The Rural Perspective
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2003
This policy paper assesses legislative proposals to add an outpatient prescription drug benefit to the Medicare program and their implications for the delivery of services and the welfare of beneficiaries in rural areas. -
Designing a Medicare Drug Benefit: Balancing Government-Based and Market-Based Approaches, the Implications for Rural Beneficiaries
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 01/2003
This study examines the relationship between various Medicare prescription drug benefit design characteristics and their impact on rural areas based on analysis of competing legislative proposals. -
Medicare Physician Payment
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2003
This rural policy brief examines how the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale has replaced the 25-year-old Medicare CPR charge system.
Rural Dimensions of Medicare Reimbursement for Inpatient and Outpatient Institutional and Physician Services
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 12/2002
This report examines major Medicare payment policies from the rural perspective and summarizes major payment policies with explicit rural dimensions that directly affect physicians and hospitals. It looks at whether direct rural impacts are consistent with legislative and regulatory intentions. -
Accounting for Graduate Medical Education Funding in Family Practice Training
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2002
Medicare provides the majority of funding to support graduate medical education (GME). Following the flow of these funds from hospitals to training programs is an important step in accounting for GME funding. -
Achieving Equity in Medicare Disproportionate Share Payments to Rural Hospitals: An Assessment of the Financial Impact of Recent and Proposed Changes to the Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Formula
Journal Article
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 09/2002
Examines how Benefits Improvement and Protection Act revisions to the Medicare disproportionate share hospital (DSH) program are likely to affect rural hospital financial performance. The study shows that paying rural hospitals based on the rules used for urban hospitals could improve access to care in rural communities. -
Arguing for Rural Health in Medicare: A Progressive Rhetoric for Rural America
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2002
This paper examines how rural health policy is treated in the broader field of public policy, discusses the role of advocacy in developing rural health policy, and suggests ways to make advocacy more effective. -
Update on Medicare+ Choice: Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+ Choice Plans Through September 2001
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2002
This rural policy brief provides an update on Medicare+ Choice Plans, counties enrolled, and data available. -
Use of the Hospice Benefit by Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 08/2002
This publication identifies urban-rural differences in hospice use in rural service areas. -
Are Fundamental Changes to Medicare's Disproportionate Share Methodology Needed?
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 06/2002
This study examines whether the Medicare disproportionate share percentage is a useful predictor of Medicare costs per adjusted discharge and whether it is a good predictor of uncompensated care burdens. -
Inequitable Access: Medicare+ Choice Program Fails to Serve Rural America
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 02/2002
This brief discusses the Medicare+ Choice plan and how it has failed to meet the health issues of Americans. -
Comments on Regulatory and Contractor Reform Legislation
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2002
This rural policy brief informs policy and reports on the rural issue of contractor reform following the passage of the Medicare Regulatory and Contracting Reform Act of 2001. The findings consist of responses from interviews with a range of healthcare professionals and experts.
Medicare Minus Choice: How HMO Withdrawals Affect Rural Beneficiaries
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2001
This report assesses the impact of Medicare HMO withdrawals and service reductions on rural Medicare beneficiaries. -
Rural Hospitals' Ability to Finance Inpatient, Skilled Nursing, and Home Health Care
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Date: 10/2001
This study surveys 448 rural hospitals to see how they are restructuring in light of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. -
Comments on the June 2001 Report of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission: Medicare in Rural America
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 09/2001
This paper comments on and critiques the findings in MedPAC's Medicare in Rural America. -
Establishing a Fair Medicare Reimbursement for Low-Volume Rural Ambulance Providers
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 07/2001
This national study of ambulance transport costs looks at the advantages and disadvantages of several options for Medicare to compensate low-volume rural ambulance providers. -
Medicare Payment for Services in Rural Communities: Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways & Means, U.S. House of Representatives
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2001
Reasons to change Medicare payment policies and a new framework for making appropriate changes are detailed. -
Redesigning Medicare: Considerations for Rural Beneficiaries and Health Systems
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 02/2001
This book provides a framework to help shape proposals to redesign Medicare to the benefit of rural beneficiaries and providers. Chapters focus on equity, quality, choice, access, and cost. -
PPS Inpatient Payment and the Area Wage Index
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 01/2001
This fact sheet discusses how inpatient rates are calculated, the role of the wage index, and issues surrounding the wage index and reimbursement to rural hospitals by Medicare under the Prospective Payment System. -
Rural Hospital Wages and the Area Wage Index: 1990-1997
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 01/2001
This findings brief examines whether incremental changes to the hospital wage index have made it more equitable across regions and how these changes have impacted rural hospitals. -
Rural Implications of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2001
This report covers rural health policy, SCHIP Benefit Improvement Plan, and legislation. -
Rural Implications of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000: Concerns, Legislation, and Next Steps
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 01/2001
This rural policy brief provides an overview of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 as it impacts rural health.
Rural Hospital Area Wages and the PPS Wage Index: 1900-1997
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 10/2000
This paper examines the hospital wage index used by the Health Care Financing Administration and its effects on rural hospitals. -
Background on the Wage-Related Portion of the Medicare DRG Payments
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
Date: 09/2000
This report discusses how to calculate Medicare diagnostic related group (DRG) payments. It includes examples and a diagram of how to calculate a DRG payment. -
Designing a Prescription Drug Benefit for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Principles, Criteria, and Assessment
Maine Rural Health Research Center, RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2000
This paper offers a rural perspective on the debate about the design/implementation of a Medicare prescription drug benefit. Background information on rural Medicare beneficiaries' need for, and access to, prescription drugs is provided, along with a set of rural-oriented principles for use in evaluating how various proposals may meet rural needs. -
Redesigning the Medicare Program: An Opportunity to Improve Rural Health Care Systems?
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 08/2000
With this paper, the RUPRI Rural Health Panel is presenting a well-defined framework for what should be included in any discussion of Medicare policies. -
Calculating and Using the Area Wage Index of the Medicare Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2000
This policy brief explains how the area wage index is calculated and used and identifies the major unresolved issues related to its calculation and use. -
A Report on Enrollment: Rural Medicare Beneficiaries in Medicare+Choice Plans
Policy Brief
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 06/2000
This policy brief describes the experience to date with the Medicare+Choice program, focusing on changes in enrollment and plan formation through Fall 1999. -
A Rural Assessment of Leading Proposals to Redesign the Medicare Program
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Date: 05/2000
This paper provides a critique of two proposals to redesign the Medicare program: the "Medicare Preservation and Improvement Act of 1999" and "The President's Plan to Modernize and Strengthen Medicare for the 21st Century." Rural implications of the proposals are discussed. -
Medicare Reforms: The Rural Perspective
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 04/2000
This policy analysis brief discusses Medicare reforms considered by the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare (created by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997), including prescription drug coverage, funding graduate medical education, and increasing the eligibility age. -
Rural and Urban Patterns of Home Health Use: Implications for Access Under the Interim Payment System
Policy Brief
NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Date: 03/2000
This policy analysis brief compares patterns of home health utilization among rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries in order to estimate the potential impact of an interim payment system on access to home care in rural areas of the country.
Rural and Urban Physicians: Does the Content of Their Medicare Practices Differ?
Journal Article
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Date: 1999
Rural and urban areas have significant differences in the availability of medical technology, medical practice structures and patient populations. This study uses 1994 Medicare claims data to examine whether these differences are associated with variation in the content of practice between physicians practicing in rural and urban areas.